The Year In Technology 2019 on HD-PRO

Year In Technology Review 2019

Self-Driving Is Not Here Yet, AI Everywhere and More

Vincent T.
High-Definition Pro
21 min readDec 31, 2019


This year I will not use the same format as 2018. Rather than discuss the usual best and worst, I will just jump right into the topics that I feel shaped the technological landscape in 2019. Besides, there is plenty of that already all over the net. There were amazing discoveries in outer space; smartphones continue to add more AI and computational imaging features; Tesla now makes pickup trucks and the list goes on. The promise of self-driving cars becoming common at the end of 2019 has not really materialized. If you follow the CPU wars, AMD has made significant gains over Intel.

2019 was about a more interconnected world. As we become more interconnected, technology has enabled us to become more informed. We learn about things as they happen and even before they occur. The speed of data transmission has allowed us to acquire more information and increase our engagement. This is also monetized through targeted ads and data analytics by third party, just so we can freely access popular websites for the latest news and tell our latest stories on social media. People are also learning faster and at a younger age. Your typical 7 year old now knows more things thanks to the Internet.

It is not just us that are interconnected, but now our home appliances and devices as well. The word “smart” has become attached to these latest consumer electronic products for home and office. Not only do they have access to the Internet, but have more intelligent features. Thermostats that can adjust your room temperature, refrigerators that can display reminders, cameras that can automatically take stunning photos and best of all watches that allow you to watch the latest streaming videos.

Our lives are already easy from the onset of the Electronic to the Digital to the Computer to the Information and now the AI Age. AI may have made it more easier to not have to get up from your couch and do anything anymore. Your smart assistant on your smartphone can order your pizza, a guy who drives for Uber can deliver your food and your IoT home system can open the door for the delivery guy to bring you your pizza. Soon a drone or self-driving rover will bring it for you (how cool is that).

Putting AI in everything is the trend, along with a slew of buzzwords and acronyms that isn’t easy to remember (use “DCNN” in a sentence, ok). It is good marketing though and people are buying it. Even AI is finding its way into our daily lives, but that only means we are progressing into the singularity … when man and machine become one (this is hyperbole, right?).

“Self-Driving Nowhere”

Driverless or self-driving cars are not common on the streets, and for all the right reasons. They are not yet ready. It was pretty apparent with videos posted online about users testing the smart summon feature on their Tesla after they got their Software v10 update. Most did fine, but other times it was near disaster. Tesla had eventually issued warnings about it and this attracted the attention of the NHTSA. It is easy to blame people for their stupidity, but most often it is curiosity that has led to accidents. Which leads to the question why make it available in the first place if it is not ready?

We are not anywhere near fully self-driving capabilities this 2019. Waymo has been at the forefront in testing their fleet of self-driving cars, but only in the state of Arizona. We have not yet seen full service available in the US. While the technology keeps getting better and also improving on its safety features, when it comes to the real world it tells a different story. The big wake up call might have been the fatal accident Uber was involved in that led to many criticisms about self-driving technology. The road to Level 5 full autonomy is still a ways to go, but with the developments in hardware processing power and more refined algorithms, the momentum is there. It is just a matter of public safety and reliability that needs to be proven.

“AI Everywhere”

You will encounter AI now in just about every consumer electronic product you can think of. It is going to be “smart” and interconnected via your home Wi-Fi aka IoT (Internet-of-Things). AI is experiencing a renaissance after decades of being shelved because it was hard to trust that the technology would work. Eventually, it did and it is leading to innovations in software and hardware developments.

2019 saw plenty of AI being incorporated in imaging devices like smartphone cameras. This has led to a new class of chips called Neural Processing Units (NPU). Apple’s A13 Bionic is one of the finest examples of hardware-based AI used in the iPhone 11 series. These chips accelerate machine learning capabilities which can improve facial recognition used in Apple’s Face ID and Portrait Mode camera feature. You will also find AI today in car navigation systems, traffic control systems on freeways, electrical grids and home lighting. There are more applications in development, so 2020 will see even more.

“Sony Remains The Camera Leader”

I think it is old news that Sony is now the leader and innovator in digital cameras. Canon and Nikon have fallen so far behind, you might wonder if they are still relevant. They are, but they just don’t make the news as often as Sony and other camera makers who have focused on the mirrorless market. Sony has a very large lead in that area, as they continue to dominate with high-end products like the A7R IV. Nikon does take the accolades from Digital Trends for “Best DSLR Camera of 2019”, the D850.

The mirrorless camera market is truly being led by Sony. What many don’t know is that Sony is an established chip maker and they also specialize in photo sensors. Their adventure in digital cameras would not be as difficult because they have the expertise in the field. 2020 should see new models coming out from both Canon and Nikon, as they play catch up with Sony.

“Does Tesla Know Pickup Trucks?”

Tesla became the “joke of the day” when they revealed their first EV pickup truck called the Cybertruck. At first no one was taking it seriously because it didn’t look like a pickup truck at all. Some were even wondering if Tesla just pranked everyone. It was more like a super futuristic lamborghinesque style vehicle with a hint of a DeLorean. Not too many people could straight up explain what it was, so you would have to see the demo to understand why.

Listening to Elon Musk explain what they just created, sounds like he doesn’t really know what a pickup truck is. Well, to be fair, Elon is making a new statement with the Cybertruck. Instead of making an ordinary electric pickup truck, they are reinventing it. The market is not exactly the traditional pickup truck owners, but a new generation of tech savvy urbanites who are willing to try something new. Since then, there have been 200,000+ pre-orders made online, which goes to show that many have joined the hype train. With the first deliveries in about a year or so, we will learn if they made the right choice.

“Seeing Black Holes For The First Time”

We can now “see” or image black holes, due in part to computational radio telescope interferometry. Since it is not optics based, you won’t see an actual photograph because in reality we cannot see blackholes with the naked eye. Black holes cannot be seen with visible light wavelengths so some magic was required to create the image.

Using a group of radio telescopes which are strategically placed around the world, called the EHT (Event Horizon Telescope). I wrote about the process in an earlier article this year and I shall provide the link. The telescopes capture data over a period of time (since 2017) and it is then analyzed by a team of scientists and engineers. Algorithms are formulated to create the image and the result was stunning.

For the first time in history early in April 2019, a black hole at Messier 87 (M87), a galaxy nearly 55 million light-years from Earth, was seen with the help of computational imaging. Science has named the EHT’s image of the black hole as its 2019 Scientific Breakthrough of the Year.

“Go Team Red”

Thank you AMD (Team Red) for entering the CPU market and challenging Intel (Team Blue). Many are fed up with how Intel’s control of the market has kept prices at a premium, yet do not deliver as much performance as previous versions of their hardware. This has become noticeable to many techies who benchmark their systems with Intel-based processors and compare it to an AMD equivalent.

Not only are the performance levels near or at par, but it some instances AMD out performs Intel’s equivalent processors. Although Intel has better overall performance, it always comes with the “Intel tax” that costs consumers more for their money. Then they learn they can get a better price/performance with AMD though it doesn’t cost them as much. Even if the performance was slightly less than that of Intel’s highest-end processor, at least it can deliver close to what it is capable of.

2019 has seen a rise in the use of AMD not only for HEDT systems, but now in laptops and desktop PCs. AMD’s line of Ryzen processors are taking advantage of multi-core performance to beat Intel medium and low-end processors. AMD also offers better graphics performance from their chips. Meanwhile Intel maintains high performance per core with their 10th Gen processors, but at a premium cost. Many enthusiasts who don’t mind paying the “Intel tax” will continue to do so because of brand loyalty. However, a new generation of users who are into games, machine learning, designing, graphics and high performance computing are choosing AMD as a more affordable alternative.

“The Streaming Wars”

Some say 2019 marks the beginning of the end of Netflix dominance. This is because the streaming market is becoming more competitive. Hulu and Amazon are eating away at Netflix’s market, but there is another bigger threat. Disney has launched their own streaming service and their content will soon become exclusive, unless there are licensing agreements that have still not been fulfilled. More Americans have cut the cord on cable in 2018 as OTT (Over-the-Top) video-on-demand (VOD) streaming services have become popular.

Disney+ is going to deliver not only Disney affiliated content, but also Marvel Studios, 20th Century Fox, Touchstone Pictures and Hollywood Pictures to name some. Disney has a wide variety of content that attracts a vast age range. This will likely cut into Netflix’s profit margins, but probably not its market. Subscribers to Netflix content may not cancel their subscription if they can afford Disney+. It is also not as expensive as cable, so many subscribers may retain Netflix while subscribing to Disney+ and many other streaming services. Bundled packages are also available to further sweeten the deal for customers. This is a win-win for both the streaming providers and their customers.

“Apple Delivers, But Still Could Be Better”

Apple came back with a vengeance in 2019, with a much improved MacBook 16 inch model, the return of the Mac Pro and the new iPhone 11 series (standard, PRO and PRO MAX). The branding of PRO makes the iPhone all the more interesting from a marketing perspective, but overall it was not what I had expected from Apple.

First let’s discuss the iPhone 11. It comes with more imaging capabilities like Night Mode and the slow-motion selfie (Slofie) feature. It has a brilliant camera, but design wise not the wow factor many would have liked. It still has a notch and the camera square doesn’t exactly look amazing. It is a great phone overall, in terms of quality and usability for most people. For the above average techie, it still falls short on what the iPhone could be. This has forced some to skip buying the iPhone in 2019 in anticipation of the 2020 version which has plenty of good news leaked. The next iPhone in 2020 could be the one to get.

The Mac Pro’s return was welcomed by the industry. Apple has finally given attention to their underserved group of editors and creatives who were left wanting more from the last Mac Pro in 2013. Until the new Mac Pro, Apple’s workstation tech became outdated with more higher-end PC options available. As expected, Apple used an original design based on the cheese-grater style but with a more refined look and ergonomic features (easy to open chassis and rolling wheels). The Mac Pro is truly for professionals at its price point, which breaks the bank for average users. This machine is for serious work, not for gaming and browsing the Internet.

The new 16" MacBook Pro is another professional level quality product. It is the start of the post-Jony Ive era, so Apple’s designers can move on to different designs. One thing Apple has done to appease many users is putting a scissor switch keyboard rather than sticking with the butterfly keyboard. The keys now have better travel for users to type more comfortably. The screen is also amazing of course using Apple’s patented retina display with extra real estate. It is now upgradeable to more memory configurations, something that was not really possible on older MacBook Pros. This is what many high-end users have been asking for and this time Apple delivered. One major feature I did wish it had was support for Wi-Fi 6 or a wireless 5G modem. Those features come a long way for high-end users.

“Google Fails”

The Pixel 4 and Stadia turned out to be disappointing to many people. With high expectations from a tech giant, they didn’t quite deliver on their promise for these products. They have the budget for R&D, so where did they fail to deliver on what should have been home runs?

First of all, let’s talk about the Pixel 4. The Pixel 2 has received many praise from industry experts because of its innovative dual-pixel camera. It had the best camera feature during its time, but would later be dethroned from DxOMark by Huawei and Samsung. The Pixel 4 could have been the successor to Google’s smartphone but it failed to even make an impression on the tech community because it had too many issues. Despite those issues, it still has one of the best cameras in the market. The smartphone itself is quite nice to use, having a utilitarian design inherited from past Pixels. Not too flashy, but very reliable.

Stadia is perhaps the ultimate failure of Google this 2019. There were complaints ranging from customers not getting their activation codes to overheating Google Chromecast Ultras. Those are not the worst complaints yet. That is because the quality and resolution is what gamers are most angry about. For those who paid a premium for the $129 package (Founder’s Edition), they were not getting the promise of 4K gaming. Instead Google’s version of the game is upscaled from 1080p to 4K, and the quality does not appear as good as the console version. Gamers also noticed lag, artifacts and even color degradation. Stadia, which is cloud-based, really requires a fast Internet connection that is upwards of 30 Mbps for high-resolution fast frame rate 4K streams. Unfortunately, the majority of the world does not have an average speed that is as fast in 2019.

Stadia is disappointing because it is unproven and unreliable. If somehow Google can improve the delivery and keep true to their promise, then this service looks like it is not going anywhere. How long it will last will depend on the gamers. Putting games on the cloud was risky, especially coming from a non-traditional game company like Google. Right now systems with dedicated hardware are still the best for game play.

“Google Claims Quantum Supremacy”

Really Google? It sounds like they have paved the way for “Skynet”, but that is not exactly what it means. Google’s claim to “Quantum Supremacy” in 2019 has to do with the processing capability of its Sycamore processor. This specialized chip is used for quantum computing, which follows a different principle from legacy computing. It is based on the theory of quantum physics, so it is a different architecture and design from traditional computers. Google’s quantum computer finished a computational task in 200 seconds, whereas the world’s most powerful supercomputers would need 10,000 years to complete.

Our current computer systems are binary based on bits, while quantum computers are based on qubits. Quantum computers have a significant speed advantage since they can take large sets of numbers simultaneously and compute larger numbers more efficiently than today’s fastest supercomputers. However, quantum computers require superconductors that operate at very low temperatures. This is why a cryogenic chamber enclosure is used for housing its processors.

Quantum computers are far from mainstream and at the moment are used for specific purposes that require large numbers. It is ideal for sequencing DNA or predicting weather patterns. They also require plenty of space and have a higher power requirement than your typical server. Don’t count on it being your next desktop in 2020.

“Lighter Than Air Ultraportables”

I have stopped using a desktop PC since laptops have gotten more powerful processors. The form factor, portability and convenience of using a laptop is undeniable and they continue to improve. 2019 gave us a vast amount of choices that sport a lighter feel, thinner form factor and the rise of what are called “ultraportables”. Screens are also getting bigger like on the new MacBook Pro 16" and the LG Gram 17".

Designers are creating less chunkier laptops because better integration techniques have shrunk components and older features are being removed to shrink sizes further. While Apple just provides USB-C ports and the 3.5 mm headphone port, other vendors still provide USB type A ports, display ports, HDMI ports, ethernet ports and even the SD card reader.

The feel of ultraportables is being able to take your work on the go. It was probably inspired by the MacBook Air’s thin and light weight design, but more powerful underneath. A good example is the DELL XPS 13. You have your installed applications and the access to the cloud in a thinner and lighter weight machine with improved battery power. Perfect for the digital nomad lifestyle.

“Social Media Retail”

I am spotting a trend of online retail, that could one day rival Amazon. We know the effects e-commerce has had on brick-and-mortar retail stores across the US. Now social media sites like Instagram allow users to buy online. This model is due in part to influencers and their massive following. It would not be difficult for Facebook to realize that is a good marketplace for selling products. Thus, brand endorsements with direct access to an online shop from the social media app is becoming more common.

I don’t think it will impact Amazon too much in the beginning. Amazon can also use ads on social media to generate more business. The potential for shopping on social media is huge though. Instagram has over 1 billion active monthly users. The demographics of the users is also favorable to online shopping. When marketers see this stats I am sure they see dollar signs as well. While Facebook use is slowing down, Instagram and Snapchat remain popular with the younger crowd who are potential online shoppers. All these apps can be accessed with a smartphone, and smartphone integration with payment systems is already popular. The creative ways marketing strategists get users to spend by clicking that buy button is helping to generate more revenues. Since social media has a greater reach, brands also have what amounts to low cost advertising that can target a larger market.

“Eating Impossible Food”

This might be the year of the plant-based burgers and meat. Impossible Foods is leading the way as it introduces their products that have the look, taste and texture of real meat but it isn’t. During CES 2019 in Las Vegas, the crowd was won over by the Impossible Burger. When people learned it was not real meat, they were shocked and thought it tasted like the real thing. Just one question … is it safe to eat?

Some reports indicate plant-based meats like the Impossible Whopper could cause breast growth in men because of soy proteins (so reports the Daily Mail but countered by the Washington Post). We should probably wait for more reports and independent findings, and most important any news from the FDA about their safety and effect on human health.

“People Forget Smartphones”

We have probably reached a point where computers and smartphones are so ubiquitous with our daily lives we aren’t aware we are using them all the time. We just use them, but it’s not like we are thinking about using them. For example we don’t say “I used the computer to order the ugly sweater from Amazon.” In that case our smartphones have become so essential to the digital lifestyle it is hard to live without it. Most people only realize it when they lose or break their smartphone.

In 2019 all the major international vendors — Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Google, LG, Oppo — have released a premium smartphone. Other vendors like OnePlus, Vivo and Xiaomi have also done the same but with less recognition in the North American market. Notable mention this year is the Huawei P30 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus for the Android market, while the iOS has the iPhone 11 Pro Max.

Dark mode has become a popular feature. More AI has also found its way via specialized processors on flagship smartphones. Cameras continue to improve and show off new capabilities like ToF (Time-of-Flight) on Huawei’s P30 Pro. The iPhone 11 introduced the first time Ultra-wideband (UWB) was used in a smartphone for spatial awareness that helps in applications like AirDrop, for precise location of objects in physical space.

At this time 2 years ago there was plenty of excitement for the Red Hydrogen smartphone. Many assumed it would be the greatest innovation to come since the iPhone. Holographic display, 3D sound and modular design were the selling points. It had failed to meet expectations and did not produce any big impact on the smartphone industry. However it was moving in the right direction and could inspire designers to come up with new features and form factors. We are seeing that in 2019 with foldable screen designs, but the focus on a more modular design might be good. Being able to attach a lens directly to your smartphone or connecting other components to provide additional functionality would be great for 2020 and beyond.

“Televisions, Too …”

If you haven’t been in the market shopping for a TV, you will probably not notice all the new terms and jargons like UHD, 8K, 120 Hz, QLED, etc. So much to absorb in so little time, but in the last few years the TV has evolved to become not only higher resolution but also smarter. Those features integrate with the Internet via home Wi-Fi or direct ethernet connection to a cable or DSL modem. This makes it possible to watch your streaming movies from your digital TV, without needing the cord (i.e. cable) or OTA (i.e. broadcast TV). Upcoming standards like ATSC 3.0 will significantly change on air TV, but for now the Internet is bringing more content that is on demand and far more interesting than basic TV programming.

Now back to TVs, 2019 was a breakthrough year for a new type of display … the OLED TV. The same display technology on flagship premium smartphones has found its way to television sets giving it more clarity and support for features like HDR, higher contrast ratios and wider color gamut. LG has their OLEDB9P series TV, which supports the latest HDMI 2.1 inteface to handle 4K streams at 120 fps and it support VRR (Variable Refresh Rate). For those who want the best resolution with color and contrast, OLED TV are the high end choice.

You may have also heard of QLED, but it is not the same as OLED. Samsung brands their TV as QLED, which is really just an LCD TV. It uses a technique called “Quantum Dots” which are microscopic molecules that, when hit by light, emit their own, differently colored light. It still uses diode technology but use a different process to light up the pixels. QLED also uses backlit LED on their panels, while OLED are individually lit subpixels. QLED advantage is precise color quality that has been certified 100% color volume measured to the DCI-P3 standard, by the VDE Institute.

“Foldables Get Folded”

Samsung thought its Galaxy Fold would debut strongly in 2019. It would be an expensive premium phone showcasing Samsung’s latest display technology. After months of mysterious leaks and rumors, it was finally unveiled and made available in limited quantity. Early adopters were extremely disappointed as the first batch showed problems out of the box. The foldable display’s protective layer easily peeled off on some units. On others it was the a problem with the display itself, showing creases after just a few folds. From a design perspective, it seems the display was not sturdy enough from folding. Samsung threw the towel in on the first release and issued a recall after more problems were discovered.

Samsung tried releasing a second version with major revisions to address the past problems. As innovative as it may look, it was far from perfect. The second version was a major improvement though. It was still expensive and it wasn’t going to attract a mainstream market. However, it goes to show the direction smartphones are heading with more creative form factors and ideas. As this display technology improves, the competition will try other things to win the market. Motorola has already come up with its own style of foldable, which looks like a cross between its old flip phone and the Galaxy Fold. More vendors will soon join.

“Your Favorite Car Brand Now Has An EV Version”

EV (Electric Vehicles) continues to be adopted in the mainstream auto industry. Major automakers released an EV version of some of their popular line, so it is not just Tesla.

The following is a list of some popular EV in 2019 (from Car Magazine UK):

  1. Tesla Model 3
  2. MG ZS EV
  3. Audi e-Tron
  4. Mercedes-Benz EQC
  5. Jaguar I-Pace
  6. Nissan Leaf
  7. Hyundai Kona Electric
  8. Hyundai Ioniq Electric
  9. VW e-Golf
  10. Kia E-Niro
  11. BMW i3
  12. Renault Zoe
  13. Smart Fortwo Electric Drive
  14. VW e-Up

The industry is taking electric cars seriously, and more so in 2019. If it were a fad, there wouldn’t be any push to develop these vehicles. It is good to see the way they are being introduced to the mainstream market. For the future the need for accessible charging stations will be important, just like with gas stations today. As more people get on the road with their EV to travel, those charging stations will be needed.

“Cryptocurrency Has Not Yet Taken Over The World”

At this point in time, it has been 10 years since Bitcoin was first introduced. No one gave it much attention, but slowly and surely it had risen in value. We have to say that speculation is still the main reason prices are going up, but the promise of this technology has far more implications to society. Yet, despite all the benefits from decentralized p2p transfer of value, it is still the banks who are in charge of the world’ financial system.

It is just not realistic to assume Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency assets will just topple over the existing financial institutions that control wealth. The system is outdated and for the most part could use an overhaul. Banks are beginning to realize that they can benefit from the underlying technology behind Bitcoin, which is the blockchain. However, it has not reached any major adoption among banks and businesses. Many projects based on the blockchain have actually been modified for more privacy rather than a public network. It has been more experimental and at this point a good topic for seminars and conferences. Now, Facebook is trying to get into cryptocurrency with their Libra coin but efforts have so far shown plenty of animosity toward it from governments and financial institutions.

2019 was a mix of reactions from investors and analysts. Many predicted a bull run to $50,000 and greater for BTC (the asset of Bitcoin), while there were more bearish analysts like Ton Vays who urged people to wait because he was not seeing signs of major volume that could sustain further price increases. We do have to take most of these predictions with a grain of salt since technical analysis itself is not an exact science. The problem is when you have crypto-personalities make predictions that are just way off. Many who believed the bull run was coming may have put more money than they were willing to lose and now must play the waiting game to see what happens in 2020.

Cryptocurrency are volatile and at times manipulated by whales (people who hold a large amount of the asset). The technology itself has been proven, but is still slower than mainstream systems like Visa when it comes to processing transactions. It seems the majority of people who put money in BTC don’t care much about the technology and more about prices. Noobs who first started trading in 2019 realized the volatility the hard way after the sudden price surge beginning in April. By July though, the market corrected itself and what some thought would be over 100% gains had seen their holdings go back down. The good news for this year is that BTC has remained above $3,000 since March 2019. With projected capital to increase with institutional investors and rise in futures volume, 2020 could see new highs (or lows) for BTC.

“Finally … A Gift That Gives Back”

The Peloton viral commercial surely attracted plenty of attention in 2019, even Ryan Reynold’s looked for the wife in the commercial to do a spoof ad. If anything, this was the most hilarious tech product commercial of the year. Well the significance of Peloton is in the health tech sector. How long did people start streaming their workouts live? It is a phenomenon which started with social media stories. Now you have exercise machines that are connected to the Internet that allows anyone to workout with a virtual instructor using an app. It is definitely a new concept in the future of interactive instructor-led programs that combines technology with fitness.

The ad did have criticisms as well, but it is 2019 and everyone from all persuasions are entitled to their viewpoints. I would rather not focus on the commercial but the innovation in the product from Peloton. All you need is to get the machine at home. No more need to go to the gym, your instructor is there available from an app on screen at your bike or tread. We’ll see how far their business model goes, and whether this will continue to gain popularity like Bikram yoga in its heyday.

Note: These are the author’s views based on opinion. For more information DYOR always.



Vincent T.
High-Definition Pro

Blockchain, AI, DevOps, Cybersecurity, Software Development, Engineering, Photography, Technology