New Brand RIZON and ATOLO

Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2020

Dear Hdac community members,

Modern society has now become a hyper-connected society which is functioned by technologies such as Internet-of-Things, Cloud, Big Data, Mobile, Artificial Intelligence, 5G(5th generation mobile telecommunications) as well as blockchain technology which is generally referred to as the fundamental technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

In such a hyper-connected society, communications between multiple parties are made multi-dimensionally. This emphasizes the importance of shifting from a centralized network towards a decentralized platform. Hdac plan on providing a service which is based on a decentralized platform by combining IoT, clouding, big data, and others, with blockchain technology.

However, the original Hdac blockchain was based on PoW(Proof-of-Work), which limited its scalability both in the perspective of technology and coin economy. To break through such limitations, Hdac has embarked on developing a PoS(Proof-of-Stake) based blockchain platform.

This is a part of Hdac’s plan to self-innovate. From technology to coin economy, governance, and the brand itself, we will create innovation in every aspects. Before we officially launch our new blockchain platform, we would like to introduce our new blockchain platform brand ‘RIZON’ and cryptocurrency brand ‘ATOLO.’

▶ New blockchain platform | RIZON

The name ‘RIZON’ is a compound word which combines the word ‘rise’ and ‘on’. The brand name also embodies its motto “Realize our vision.“ The motto connotes our strong determination to form an ecosystem of a virtuous circle where all the participants including validators, DApps, and holders can grow together, by applying DPoS(Delegated Proof of Stake)-based consensus mechanism and coin economy.

▶ New cryptocurrency | ATOLO

The name ‘ATOLO’ comes from the Latin word ‘Attollo’, which means ‘to raise’, ‘to lift up’, and ‘to exalt.’ The name conveys our vision to lead the industry and improve the satisfaction of coin user and ecosystem participants by providing a digital currency which is convenient to use and has high adaptability in various aspects of life.

▶ Core value of brand | “Possibility to Reality”

It presents the vision of realizing the possibilities and potentials of blockchain into our everyday life with RIZON platform and ATOLO coin.

▶ Mainnet name | Friday

▶ Company name | Hdac Technology

As we reveal our new RIZON platform and ATOLO coin, we have renewed our website and newly opened our community channels. Please check them out as well.

Website :

New Newsroom(Global):

New Community(Global):

New Newsroom(Chinese):

New Community(Chinese):

New Newsroom(Korean):

New Community(Korean):

Come join RIZON in the journey of bringing numerous possibilities into life with blockchain technology!

