POC Participation for Digital Asset Solution for Business

Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2021

Hdac Technology has signed an MOU as the first participating company of the digital asset management solution that is being launched by the finance technology company Peertec and Woori Fund Service.

‘Digital Asset Solution for Business’ not only manages accountings and taxes, but it also manages the whole procedure of trading, transferring, holding custody, OTC, etc., that is involved in managing customer’s digital assets. Also, the solution provides support processing accounting/taxation while abiding by the current law.

Through Woori Fund Service’s real-time 3rd party validation, a formal certificate that is up to a level of external audit material can be issued. The solution service will be jointly developed by Peertec and Woori Fund Service.

The solution is the first digital asset(virtual asset) service that is developed by a traditional finance service company by itself in Korea, which made it the center of attention in the industry.

Sunghwan Won, the Representative Officer of Hdac Technology Korean Branch, participated in the POC with the purpose of providing legitimate management and reviewing the transparency of digital asset through a digital asset management solution that is up to a level of management offered in the formal sector.

He said, “Even though the market size of global virtual asset has grown to become over 2 trillion dollars, in reality, companies have a hard time engaging in vigorous virtual asset investments due to the complexity of the market, challenges in achieving 3rd party validation, and issues with accounting and taxation management.” He added, “This POC that is being led by 8 companies including Woori Fund Service and GDAC will largely contribute to the formalization of virtual asset.”

We will continue to create a healthy ecosystem by enhancing the integrity and transparency of digital asset.

Possibility to Reality


