“The Hdac Quantum Leap: Calling All Validators!”

Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2020

– Our Genesis Delegation Program is On –

<The Hdac Quantum Leap : Hdac Genesis Delegation Program>

Hdac Technology has completed the primary development of its new PoS blockchain ‘Friday’ (renaming pending) and will start its feature freeze.

Accordingly, we are launching our ‘Genesis Delegation Program’ and are recruiting partners to participate in the Friday ecosystem. Partners will act as validators, jointly establishing the network and the governance and contributing to the testing process and open source development.

■ Recruiting Period

Starting March 30th 2020 and until completion

■ Description

□ Total of 14 teams among applicants to be selected based on how requirements are fulfilled

□ Teams to be graded into 3 tiers according to their contribution level; a minimum of 7 million coins and a maximum of 18 million coins will be delegated to each team when mainnet launch

- Tier 1: 3 teams / approx. 18 million coins

- Tier 2: 4 teams / approx. 11 million coins

- Tier 3: 7 teams / approx. 7 million coins

■ Requirements

□ [Mandatory] Participation in the genesis drill

□ [Mandatory] Participation in testnet program

□ [Mandatory] Participation in the Discord channel for validators

□ [Optional] Contribution to the mainnet open source development

□ [Optional] Suggestion on useful features

□ [Optional] Bug/issues report after code freeze

■ Rewards

□ Inflation: 5% / Validator commission: 30%

(Initial setting; subject to change according to the governance’s decision after mainnet launch)

□ (e.g.) for a validator commission when 10 million coin delegated:

- if stake rate is 20%: Approx. 750,000 coin yearly

- if stake rate is 25%: Approx. 600,000 coin yearly

- if stake rate is 30%: Approx. 500,000 coin yearly

■ How to apply

Please fill out the application form : https://forms.gle/bJmgNeiFwfBdhrc39

■ For any enquiry

‘Friday’ validator channel

Any question or recommendation would be welcome on Telegram! More updates and events announcement on the Medium blog for the Hdac community to come!

Please refer to the following links and stay in the loop.

*Website : https://www.hdactech.com

*Medium : https://medium.com/hdac

*Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hdactech

*Twitter : https://twitter.com/hdactech

*Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGQXVXTs7RllAirD3YjjZIQ

*Github: https://github.com/Hdactech

*Telegram(KR) : https://t.me/Hdac_Official_KR

*Telegram(EN) : https://t.me/Hdac_TGE

