The Very First Writing from Hdac Tech Team

Yeon Hwang
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2019

Writing the first article as the member of Hdac Technology

For our first article, we initially planned on writing about our technology. However, to help our community relate and feel more comfortable, we have decided to share something more simple but closer to our heart. The first impression plays a key role in building a community so we hope this first article will set positive tone in that sense.

What we hope to share through this article?

First of all, we plan on sharing regularly about a broad range of topics. These articles will contain information about our technology, token economy, and governance as well as our values and opinions.

We will also address our successes and failures. In our articles, will share what we have tried to do, what we have succeeded or failed on, and what we have learned through our journey. Key roadblocks will also be shared with the community. We feel it is important to explain what the trouble was, how we solved or are solving it as we follow through our journey.

Starting from the next article, we will talk about the consensus algorithm that we are currently developing as well as the token economy and governance that goes along with it. Additionally, even if this does not sound important, we feel that sharing pieces of our everyday life can bring some relativity to the whole content.

What we are working on at this moment?

The key topics we are focusing on are the development of a POS-based new mainnet, along with a construction of a token economy and the governance that best fits our new mainnet.

The fundamental reason for developing a mainnet is clear: a technology is evolving faster than ever and if we do not keep up with some of major tech trends will run the risk of being left behind. No matter how good is a technology at a certain point, if it does not adapt, change, and develop, it will lose its value and become a thing of the past. Also, decentralized platform technology, which we are researching and developing, is in its very early stage. Therefore the pace of its development is rapid and it is hard to predict where it is heading.

We will continue to research and develop the technology that we already have but we do not fear trying new things. Even if we fail, we will make sure to learn from our errors and progress.

What are the new platform and open source ecosystem about?

Since endeavors become more enriched through open source and since open source development is becoming mainstream, adaptation and participation in open source ecosystem is no longer an option we can neglect.

The upcoming new platform is being developed based on the research of current outstanding open source. Of course, all our researches and results will be disclosed on open source. Throughout our journey, we will always remember to contribute to other open source projects.

We are doing our best to develop this technology and to construct governance and token economy that best supports technology. However, we are aware that the knowledge we hold is not absolute, therefore our decisions may not always bear the fruits we hoped for. Yet, we will stay humble and devoted to our project. We will always be open to deep-dive in our projects’ results as well as study others and understand their own outcomes.

Where will the new mainnet lead us?

There are many things to be done to complete the mainnet. We are piling up working hours to make our goal come true. Since so many things have to be completed, we are planning ahead to plan the next version of the mainnet.

However, there is much more things behind the decentralized platform than technology, token economy, and governance. The most important thing is our community. We need the continuous support from our stakeholders and continuous interest and participation from many developers.

We sincerely hope that you will stand by us and walk with us the path we have planned ahead.

“No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.” — Helen Keller

