What is Hdac IoT Contract?

Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2019

Dear Hdac Technology supporters,

“Smart Contract” would be the most widely known thing in the blockchain industry. Smart Contract is known as an irreversible, and trust-ensuring technology that enables both parties in contracts to trust each other especially in cases like remittance without the cost of Middleman.

However, many blockchain projects are not limited to remittance or money-transferring areas. They have been making efforts to develop services and products utilizing Smart Contract in many different areas. Hdac Technology introduces the technology of IoT Contract applying blockchain technologies into the field of IoT, preparing the launch of the HERIOT brand that utilizes a smart building management system using IoT Contract. Let’s take a deeper look on the IoT Contract Hdac Technology is preparing and its features.

IoT Contract

IoT Contract is the Smart Contract technology for IoT devices. This enables various features: mutual authentication based on defined contracts between human and IoT devices and among IoT devices, records of devices’ action history, IoT device information inquiry, IoT device control, and so on.

Characteristics and Commercialization of IoT Contract

IoT contract can be used for various devices in many industries. Smart contract only deals with blockchain-based transactions only while IoT Contract has a feature to handle the functions of devices. This allows IoT Contract to be used for controlling various devices such as sensors and robots utilized in the actual fields of industries.

In addition, IoT Contract ensures correct working orders, recording working histories, and precise authentication using blockchain technologies on various devices. This can lead to building trust on implementing IoT technologies into Smart Factory technologies.

No matter what the technology is, the usage of technologies would be meaningful only if they can be used in the real world. IoT Contract Hdac Technology has been preparing will be the use case of blockchain technologies in the daily life and industries — proving that blockchain technologies can turn into a real-world service.

Here goes the link to YouTube video explaining about IoT Contract.

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