BrauBeviale 2016: ultimate trends on the beverage market

Hdemo Magazines Team
Hdemo Magazines
Published in
7 min readOct 28, 2016


The beverage market remains exciting, there are now clearly not enough classic beverage variations for the consumer. The European beverage trade world will once again be the guest in Nuremberg and enter into an exchange on trends, new products and innovations. From 8 to 10 November, the experts will come together at this year’s most important equipment show for the beverage industry.

Worldwide drinks consumption is continuing to rise

According to Canadean, in 2015 global beverage consumption reached approximately 280 litres per capita, that is around 13 litres more than the previous year. For 2016 the market research institute is predicting a further slight increase to 284 litres.

The most drinks are consumed in Latin America (587 litres per capita) and North America (579), followed by Western Europe (542). Bottom of the international rankings is Africa with around 70 litres per capita.

Regardless of which beverage we are dealing with — at BrauBeviale, producers, sales and marketing people, the retail and catering trade find everything connected with all aspects of the entire process chain: extending from the suitable raw materials through to efficient technologies and perfectly coordinated logistics right up to coherent marketing ideas and neutral tasting zones.

Focal point:Beer

In the past few years creativity has become a familiar expression for the brewing industry — this is practically the case worldwide. In this connection, the consumers are not only looking for beer, which is brewed using natural ingredients, but at the same time, increasingly diverse flavour experiences and new creations all the time — with a preference for regional producers.

According to an Alltec study, there are today already more than 10,000 craft breweries worldwide. 86 percent of them are approximately equally divided between North America and Europe. The top ten nations for craft breweries are the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Brazil and Japan.

A survey conducted by Mintel shows that the German population is increasingly embracing craft beer. Whereas in 2012 only one percent of beers newly introduced to the market came from the craft beer sector, in 2014 it was already 12 percent and in 2015 almost 20 percent. Regionality and flavour diversity are the key aspects appreciated here.

BrauBeviale 2016
Source: NürnbergMesse

Beverage packaging, the container is a key

A question, which is repeatedly raised across all the beverage sectors, is that of the container used. Traditionally it is: cans, glass or PET? But recently there have also been increasingly frequent discussions in the beverage sector on the theme of pouch packaging. It is light, easy to transport and promises convenient enjoyment. For water, the bottle — especially PET — continues to be the container of choice. Juices and nectars are most frequently available in carton packaging, followed by the PET bottle. Particularly as far as craft products are concerned, drinks cans and glass bottles are currently experiencing a comeback.

BrauBeviale is presenting a diverse range covering all aspects of the beverage packaging theme: extending from packaging materials and supplies through to packaging ancillaries up to sealing and closing systems. In addition, PET@BrauBeviale is offering attractive solutions covering the entire PET value-added chain. Anyone who would like to be purposefully directed to specific exhibitors and ranges on the PET theme, can follow the designated exhibitor track.

Spirits: craft and high-quality products on the move

Craft Drinks, today that is the beverage type of choice. It is not only beer and soft drinks where this trend has now manifested itself, with spirits too, customers are increasingly choosing craft products, with a preference for somewhat creative variations, which should also meet high quality

Stories surrounding the products encourage potential customers to buy, distillers’ courses and guided tours of distilleries are popular bookings. An example of maximum creativity: “Spacewurz”, the spirits
specialty from space. “Bärwurzeln” (bearwort / baldmoney herb) was sent up into the stratosphere with a weather balloon and after the trip marketed as “Bärwurz” from space.

Each year, according to Canadean, more than six litres of spirits are consumed per capita worldwide. In 2015, Australasia was the leader with almost ten litres per capita, followed by Asia (around eight), North America (almost seven) and Eastern Europe (around six). So far the least demand for spirits has been in Africa (0.7) and the Middle East and North Africa (0.2). With an annual consumption of around 23 litres per capita, Estonia far exceeds all other European countries, but in Lithuania (almost 16) and
Latvia (14) too they really enjoy their spirits. Germany with around six litres per capita remains close to the worldwide average.

BrauBeviale 2016 NürnbergMesse
Source: NürnbergMesse

Wine market harbours potential

Wine enjoys widely varying levels of popularity worldwide. In 2015, global wine consumption was around four litres per capita. That is particularly due to the still extremely low consumption level in Africa (0.5) and Asia (0.8). Western Europe in contrast was where the most wine was drunk: around
31 litres per capita. The largest wine-consuming countries within Europe continue to be France (51) and Italy (46). But in Germany too people are not averse to a good glass of wine: 25 litres per capita each year speak for themselves. Wine dealers see great potential particularly in the Chinese market. Forecasts by Mintel confirm this assumption: the Chinese wine market is set to grow by more than 100 percent by 2017.

Soft drinks the most popular drink worldwide

In all beverage categories soft drinks are the leaders. In 2015, around 97 litres were drunk per person worldwide. Within this segment bottled water surpassed carbonated refreshing drinks for the first time. This can be explained by a general nutritional trend: an increasing number of consumers are placing importance on healthy nutrition and, as a result, also on lower sugar consumption.

The developing countries continue to offer great growth potential for bottled water. In 2015, at around eleven percent, the Asian region once again registered the highest increase, followed by the Middle East/North Africa with a rise of around eight percent. In the more or less saturated markets consumption is already at a high level. Good news for Western Europe: following a declining trend in 2014, an increasing number of consumers — plus two percent — once again decided on pre-packed water (Canadean).

BrauBeviale 2016
Source: NürnbergMesse

Juices and nectars enjoying diverse degrees of popularity worldwide

On a worldwide scale the consumption of juices and nectars is declining somewhat, this is confirmed by a drop of around one percent in 2015. In North America (26 litres per capita) and Western Europe (21), consumers purchased fewer of these products. In Africa and Asia in contrast, there is still great potential. In this connection, the Asian market registered an increase of five percent, the driving force here was particularly China. There, in 2015, sales of juices and nectars rose by a total of eleven percent. In Asia, there is a particular preference for vegetable juices (Canadean). In Germany, in particular high-quality NFC (not from concentrate) juices were successful. Here, with a total of 33 litres last year, for the first time there was again a slight increase in fruit juices and nectars consumption (1 litre per capita). Smoothies are being increasingly regarded as a “light snack between meals”, the recipes are diverse. One solution for stressed people with a lack of time is now also available: frozen juice pads deliver fresh vitamins at any time.

International expertise in the beverage sector

In addition to BrauBeviale in Nuremberg, NürnbergMesse is also demonstrating its expertise in the beverage industry on an international level. In this connection, following a successful premiere last year, the second edition of Beviale Moscow, an equipment show mainly for the Russian and Eastern European market, will be held from 28 February to 2 March 2017. In addition, we also have to welcome the newest project in the portfolio: the China Craft Beer Conference & Exhibition (CBCE) on 26 and
27 May 2016 in Shanghai. Other projects are in the pipeline.

Russo Tecno Service at BrauBeviale

Russo Tecno Service

RTS will be present at BrauBeviale 2016 with its full range of products, including manual labelling machines for cylindrical/squared cans (model T45, T57, TQ45, TQ57), manual sealers (SM3000), filling machines (BL-30), automatic/CNC controlled labelling machines (model Etiemme, MT, MTF, MS, MTQ).


Exhibits: Hall 6, Stand 456

Brochures: Download from RTS site



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