Honorary Professor “Bruno Kessler” to Robert J. Mailloux © Giovanni Cavulli for UniTrento

Bruno Kessler title conferred to Robert J. Mailloux

Hdemo Magazines Team
Hdemo Magazines
4 min readJun 1, 2016


One of the fathers of modern electronic scanning radar systems, now used for air traffic control and for automotive, Robert J. Mailloux — former head and leader of research and Development Division for the Government of the United States of America — received Friday 27 May, by the University of Trento, the title of Honorary Professor “Bruno Kessler”.

The ceremony took place in the morning in the great Hall of the Povo “Fabio Ferrari” center of science and technology in front of students, graduate students and professors of the Department of information engineering and computer science, who proposed to the University conferring this title.

To award it was the Rector of the University of Trento, Paolo Collini, attended by the Director of the Department of information engineering and computer science, Niculae Sebe, which introduced the title of Honorary Professor “Bruno Kessler”.

Paolo Collini and Robert J. Mailloux © Giovanni Cavulli for UniTrento

Paolo Rocca, ELEDIA Research Center Manager, who held the traditional laudatio in honor of the scholar, explained:

Radar and radar systems technology are the themes treated by professor Mailloux and are also the areas of interest of the ELEDIA research group, working in the Department of information engineering and computer science. On these technologies are based, among other things, the current systems of air traffic control and aircraft navigation systems, satellite communication, sensing and collision systems for new generation vehicles.

In his keynote, professor Mailloux browsed through the problems in radar systems since the second world war, since, that is, has made its way the need to mount the radar not only on turntables, but even on vehicles and satellites.

Mailloux showed how you can make a 360° detection even in the absence of mechanical rotation. The technologies that have been tested and developed over the years by the research group of professor Mailloux remain a key reference point for the new base-radio stations that will be used to develop 5G, the next generation of mobile communications.

This is the technology that will replace the current 4G and are in the process of study and development — explains Paolo Rocca. The main objective is to have mobile Internet in real time, such as wireless live video from portable devices: this is still a limit for modern communication systems that could be exceeded by 5G technologies.

This is a sector on which the University of Trento also has been working for years with the ELEDIA research centre and the Robert Mailloux group. The result of the intense collaboration were several international scientific publications in major journals in the field of radar (some of these in collaboration with scientists at the European Space Agency — ESA) and joint project activities.

The the title to Mailloux was proposed by the Department of information engineering and computer science in view of his important scientific contribution in the study, design and development of modern radar systems.

For his research Mailloux is recognized as a key figure in the international scientific community. For the University of Trento, Mailloux held already two higher education courses attended, in addition to doctoral students, by some 30 experts of the major Italian companies active in the field of radar.

These awards — said the Rector Paolo Collini — are awarded to scholars who wish to have a committed relationship with our University. They are high-profile scientific figures in their field who deliver courses in our University and intertwine relationships with our researchers. They lead to Trento a wealth of reports, search capabilities and make our University an open and lively space. We decided to dedicate these honorary titles to Bruno Kessler: the University that he wanted is a place that brings together, enrich and grow us all. With this honorary title we carry out some of his vision.

Who is Robert J. Mailloux

Robert j. Mailloux graduated in electrical engineering from Northeastern University in Boston (MA, USA) in 1961 and earned his master’s degree and a doctorate at Harvard University in Cambridge (MA, USA).

He was responsible for leading the Research and Development Division for the Government of the United States of America. He is the author or co-author of numerous scientific papers, talks, 13 patents and volumes “Phased Array Handbook and “Electronically Scanned Arrays”. He is among the editors of the volume “History of Wireless”. He is a consultant in the field of periodic structures and antenna arrays.

Originally published at www.italiandirectory.ru on June 1, 2016.



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