Figures and Aesthetes
Go Figure
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2014



The figure skating air. Aura. Ambience. Atmosphere. The feel and wholeness of it. Its being. Like music, dance, poetry, it offers the audience not just visual entertainment, but an opportunity for meditation.

To the uninitiated, figure skating would seem a boring, somewhat repetitive discipline. Unlike other sports that are ‘exciting’ on the surface, it is relatively calm and introspective. Just as if you’re experiencing something intimate. Much like star-gazing. Like cloud-watching. Not much happens, but every subtle movement; a fluid sweep of edge, a delicate hand gesture, a simple turn to the audience that is attuned with the music, brings wonder, like a balm to the spirit.

As a first of many featured videos, take a watch (or re-watch) at one of the rare gems of the FS world. The skater who has drawn many, myself included, into the wonderful canvas that is the ice stage.

Spotlight on. Surround music. Succumb to the Kween. The one and only, Michelle Kwan (more of her in the K post). Here in a special exhibition program, skated years after her retirement, ethereal as ever.

Now, from one world champion to another, who also has wonderful musicality and breathing (considered the core of all movement). This gives his programs a sense of freedom, and child-like buoyancy. I watched him the first time, and thought he’s like Peter Pan on ice.

Elegant yet carefree. Graceful yet sturdy. Refined yet hearty. Settle, dear assembly. Get High with Jeffrey.

Finally, another sublime skater; beloved by many, both by fellow skaters and followers. If I should put someone in a magical snow globe, to skate there forever on loop, it would be him. Just ceaselessly awe-inspiring to watch.

This is how the blades can draw figures intricately. How the eyes can express a story quietly. How the body can channel music eloquently. This is La Valse d’(the waltz/dance of) Daisuke Takahashi.

There you have it, three skaters who, in my opinion, are able to demonstrate the beautiful, esoteric AIR of figure skating.

Now, coming back to our life metaphor to finalize the post. AIR, is basically the same thing in the big picture. If we scale back up, this is the general atmosphere of our life. The quality as a whole, the tone we set, the IS-ness of it. So we can ask:

  • Do we constantly have to seek for thrills and superficial things to feel that our life is moving and of value? Or are we left in awe by simple nuances, and see them as gifts, as chances to reflect and grow?
  • Do we get bored and frustrated by thinking our days are monotonous? Or can we find each day anew and be truly content and peaceful inside?
  • Do we find ourselves always in a race, competing, trying to impress, measuring our worth with how much we are recognized and awarded? Or does it matter for us more, to give and radiate love?

Can we see the beauty, can we feel the joy, of just being HERE, breathing, feeling, MOVING IN TUNE with the MUSIC that the PRESENT MOMENT brings?

Are we truly alive?

“When you feel a peaceful joy, that is when you are near truth.” ~ Rumi

“We have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the only moment there is for us to be alive.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

***This is a positive space, so I encourage friendly interaction, as long as it stays within the context of what’s presented. I’m a new blogger, and would gladly take some feedback, and content suggestions. Humor is welcome of course ;)

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Figures and Aesthetes
Go Figure

Reflections/insights from a Visual & Performing Arts fan’s POV.