6 Doctrines of Negotiating

Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2015
Colleagues meeting to discuss their future financial plans, only

There is a big meeting tomorrow and you need to close the deal, but the very thought of ‘negotiating’ makes you cringe. As your nerves get the better of you, remember this: Studies have shown that people who have not mastered the art of negotiation are 60% less successful!

However, to become an effective negotiator is an intricate art, a skill that cannot be inherited, but can be developed over time.

Mastering the art -

Negotiations play a pivotal role in a successful business set-up. Learn the art of effectively negotiating with these six principles:

  1. LEARN TO LISTEN — As Simon Sinek would say: “There is a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak.” Don’t just listen for the sake of listening! Don’t just listen because you’re waiting for your turn to speak. Instead, listen and make an attempt to understand what message your opposition is trying to convey.
  2. BE PREPARED — Alexander Graham Bell once said: “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success”. This stands true in the art of negotiation as well. Planning and preparation are the keys. Always outline your points and set up a list of options, which can benefit both parties, before you enter a negotiation. It is also wise to mentally prepare yourself with positive solutions for negative reactions.
  3. COMMUNICATE WELL — An essence in any kind of discussion, “Communication — the human connection — is the key to personal and career success” — Paul J. Meyer. One of the most charismatic traits that one possesses is good communication skills. This particular skill has sealed the deal for many negotiators.
  4. BE CURIOUS — Ken Robinson’s statement, “Curiosity is the engine of achievement”. This makes absolute sense for a negotiator who wants a successful agreement. Being curious is a definite way to find new and innovative answers for a win-win situation.
  5. EMOTIONS AT BAY — “No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence” as Jean Houston would say, clearly means one thing — emotions can cloud your decision-making power. Sometimes negotiations can be maddening, letting emotions come to the surface leads to a poor outcome. It is not wise to take things personally. Be sure to keep your emotions in check while negotiating.
  6. CONFIDENCE IS KEY — Prolific author, Helen Keller wisely said: “Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”. This simply means that doubt and uncertainty will produce fruitless results. Negotiators, who have a clear vision and know what they really want, are most likely to ace a negotiation deal.

Prepare yourself with these in mind, the next time you’re getting ready for a negotiation. Don’t land in a Catch-22 situation, when you know the ways to steer clear of it.

