What are you Grateful for?

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3 min readSep 4, 2015

We owe it to our gurus; the teachers. Have you ever wondered that we owe a lot to that someone who stood as a guide beside us and believed in us when we lacked the confidence to be what we are today as headstrong beings. Back in the days, we’ve all had that one person who we look up to as a role model. You cannot deny the fact that the first step and every initial decision that we took was under the right influence of our teacher. A teacher is the most influential, patient, learned, encouraging, polite, honest, strong and scholarly who always did something extra to take out the best in us.

Maybe it is never too late to say things that we could never express before, maybe now is the time to say Thank You for all the lessons that took place in classrooms around the quiet corridors, lessons that we will never forget and lessons that we will be with us no matter how far we go in life.

It is amazing to even imagine with the kind of pay that is given to teachers even till date, teachers always worked with full determination to build us and prepare us for life. So here are 5 things we have forgotten to thank our teachers –

Thank You -

  • For the patience, time and efforts — the hours of lectures, lessons and sessions that may have felt heavy and a burden that time. But they never failed, they never resulted in vain. They became the pillars and lessons for life.
  • For believing in us and not losing hope — if there’s one thing you will never see a teacher doing is giving up on their pupils. There have been encounters where things seemed impossible to achieve, be it a small arithmetic equation or a class presentation ideas. In those moments of losing gripe in one’s ability it was the teacher who decided to never give up with every effort created by them inch by inch.
  • For listening — they did it like professionals and experts. They listened to every question not once but endless number of times without losing patience. Deep down we all wanted to be as good as our teachers in communication skills. Though, not all listening is the same, academic listening requires every communicated action to be heard and interpreted in the right manner.
  • For trusting our imagination and ideas — freedom is what we should be thankful to. It was the liberty and trust that went hand in hand for every imaginary possibility to excel. A little trust in our ideas which may not be even be realistic worked as a great source of motivation for us.
  • For being humble — they kept us as their first priority In making us smart enough to solve problems, they stood by us for making us stronger for uncertainties. With every ounce of their patience they made us confident for every situation.

Now is the time for you, pick up your pen and write a letter, pick up your phone and call or open your mail account and send an e-mail, because gratitude is the best attitude to put on. Share your memories with us. What are those things for which you have always been grateful for, but you could never express them in words to your coach, guide or a teacher. Now is the time, write them down and share with us.

