What is the Internet?

Abby Whittington
The Rise
Published in
1 min readFeb 11, 2016

Describing the internet is weird and hard. I think of the internet as a shared notebook. Everyone passes it around and adds their own ideas. They read what everyone else wrote and add to it or cross it out. They highlight parts of it and write little notes about it on the side. However, this notebook is also unique in that everyone has it at the same time and everyone can add to it and read it at the same time.

It’s interesting how relevant this book still seems even though it is from 2002 and technology has changed so much since then. However, the idea that the Web shows the human nature to connect to each other is still relevant. It was true when the web was new, but I don’t think the author could even imagine at the time how true it is today. We are so connected today that we have the internet on our phones and even watches now too. And this connection is stronger than ever now. We can’t even leave our phones at home for a day without feeling that loss of connection. It would be interesting to see what the author thought of technology and connection today.

