What is the Internet? (Part 2)

Abby Whittington
The Rise
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2016

I answered this question a few weeks earlier. I compared the internet to a notebook that is passed around for everyone to add their thoughts, to contribute to its creation. I still think this comparison is true. I first pictured the notebook as being filled with scribbles of words connecting thoughts and maybe a few doodles. I thought of it as a binding of all the notes that ever got passed around a classroom when the teacher wasn’t looking.

However, because of our recent conversations about video games in DGST, I now picture the notebook as also consisting of tic-tac-toe, hangman, and crosswords. I forgot to think about what the internet was to me when I was younger. I used t0 go online to play games almost everyday after school so there must be games in the notebook as well to represent that.

There should also be doodles in the corners of the pages that create a flipbook to represent the videos I watch now online.

I still imagine the internet as a notebook, but the idea of the notebook representing the internet has evolved to include more parts of the internet that I hadn’t thought about before. It will probably continue to evolve as we continue the last few weeks of class.

