Understanding Headless Commerce And Modular Commerce

Faisal Masud
Headless Commerce
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2021

Headless commerce and modular commerce are two hot buzzwords on the market right now. Although they’re often used interchangeably, it’s important to distinguish them. Both headless and modular commerce platforms decouple the frontend shopping experience (or “head”) from the backend commerce functionality (or “body”), but headless commerce platforms are not necessarily modular.

Headless provisions are easy to implement and even easier to find right now. Platforms like Shopify Plus and BigCommerce offer headless functionality but not the customization and control modular platforms do. Amazon’s custom-built, microservices-driven commerce platform is an example of headless and modular commerce technology that isn’t available to the public. But some headless commerce platforms are making this technology accessible through microservices and APIs (i.e., modules).

What are headless commerce and modular commerce?

By pairing headless and modular commerce technologies, brands and retailers can publish platform-agnostic content and launch new features faster. In this article, I will elaborate on what headless and modular commerce are and how you can use them together.

Traditional e-commerce platforms tie the frontend and the backend together. If you want to use the backend to manage, sell and distribute your products, you need to use the frontend that comes with it. Monolithic in nature, these platforms don’t offer much flexibility or scalability. All your functionality is in the same basket as the traditional CMS: content, images, HTML — all loading from one place with intertwined code.

By definition, headless commerce only requires the platform to use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to run information between the backend and frontend. These APIs act as middlemen that quickly send content and data to various frontends regardless of the operating system they use.

Any brand can go headless thanks to APIs and headless CMSs. These systems let brands focus on the frontend and backend of e-commerce solutions separately. With this separation, platform development and content creation are streamlined.

However, headless commerce only offers a partial solution to backend challenges. Modular commerce completes the solution. Much confusion around headless and modular commerce platforms comes from the fact that modular commerce platforms like my company’s product are also headless commerce platforms. Each module (pricing, promos, cart, etc.) is a microservice that operates separately from all other services.

How To Get Started With Headless Plus Modular Commerce

With individualized modules, tech teams can roll out changes to individual services without negatively impacting other services. This is what has given Amazon the cutting edge in recent years.

Rapid growth requires systems that can respond quickly to changes in customer behavior. For brands that are growing rapidly and need to cater to a range of channels and operating systems, commerce platforms that are both headless and modular offer an agile, customizable solution. The headless aspect streamlines design and development for customer-centric selling while the modular aspect streamlines modern application development for Amazon-like scale.

How do you restructure teams?

However, for headless plus modular commerce to take hold, brands must undergo significant changes from both a technical and cultural perspective. Below, I will answer some questions related to these challenges and offer practical solutions.

Moving from a monolithic commerce platform like Shopify Plus to microservices will not only mean a service-oriented architecture but also service-oriented teams. Gone will be the days of large, infrequent releases. With modular commerce will come steady, simultaneous releases for every commerce service. But how do you restructure teams to support this?

After Amazon restructured its monolithic bookstore application into smaller services 20 years ago, it also had to restructure its teams. Two-pizza teams were the answer, wrote Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon: “To support this new approach to architecture, we broke down our functional hierarchies and restructured our organization into small, autonomous teams, small enough that we could feed each team with only two pizzas. We focused each of these ‘two-pizza teams’ on a specific product, service or feature set, giving them more authority over a specific portion of the app.”

Is modular commerce necessary?

But microservices and two-pizza teams are not for every business. Sometimes sticking with your monolith and going headless will give you enough flexibility.

Staying on a monolithic platform like Shopify Plus can be a good decision for small- and medium-sized businesses since many monoliths have APIs. With these APIs, you can break away from the platform’s templates and customize digital storefronts as you see fit. You can also improve site speed. This practice is becoming quite trendy.

With headless commerce, you will get further locked into your e-commerce platform vendor, but that might be okay. The pros of not having to restructure teams and manage distinct services may outweigh the cons. The cons start to outweigh the pros when you’re a high-growth mid-market or enterprise company. At this point, you’re either at or past the point of diminishing return for your monolith.

In conclusion, the headless plus modular approach could significantly accelerate growth but requires significant change — something many businesses are not ready for. So after deciding that headless plus modular commerce is needed to take your business to the next level, the question becomes: Are you ready?

Originally published at https://www.forbes.com.

