Top Seed Companies: Contlo, SaaSWorks, Nilus, Infinity AI, Artifact

Our Investor Nicolas von Blottnitz shares the top-seeded companies to keep an eye on this week.

Nicolas von Blottnitz
Headline Asia Publication
4 min readDec 20, 2022


We see about 5,000 startups each week, and I want to give you a glimpse into how we at Headline think about trending tech companies and tracking new investment opportunities. In this post, I’m highlighting top tech companies that have announced or raised a seed round within the past week.


EVA Growth Index:

Shopify integration for omnichannel consumer engagements across email, WhatsApp, sms, web, or mobile push

Lead Investors:
Better Capital, Kae Capital

Total Raised:


My Thoughts:
This is a saturated market, but looking at Contlo’s web traffic growth, they look to be breaking out.


EVA Growth Index:
No external sources showing growth

Single source of revenue, customer, and product usage truth for sales and customer success teams to make more data-driven decisions

Lead Investors:
Vestigo Ventures, Conversion Ventures LLC

Total Raised:


My Thoughts:
We at Headline love leveraging raw end-user engagement data to get a sense of where will the true retention of customers come in, especially in cases where a business only sells annual contracts and has less fluid transaction retention data. It only makes sense that customer-facing teams leverage this type of data as well to get a sense of true customer loyalty/upsell potential.


EVA Growth Index:
No external sources showing growth

Unified financial hub that combines all transaction data from all providers, backend systems, and ERP into a single source of financial truth

Lead Investors:
Bessemer Venture Partners

Total Raised:

IXOPay, BlackLine

My Thoughts:
For both accounting and analytical purposes, it is crucial to have all your revenue data clean in a single database. Our standard data request at Headline includes the historical revenue transactions per customer, and given the number of companies we run who do not have this readily available, tells me that there is a major market opportunity for Nilus.

Infinity AI

EVA Growth Index:
No external sources showing growth

Cross-functional synthetic training data provider

Lead Investors:
Matrix Partners

Total Raised:

Cogito, Anolytics AI, Super Annotate

My Thoughts:
Data is the new gold. This statement has become a lot more vivid for me with the launch of the recent generative AI models. The way to differentiate your AI product in this world of advanced AI is not to have the better model but to have the most relevant data to train/operate the best available model on the market for your use case.


EVA Growth Index:

Professional on-demand podcasting experience to let anyone share their life story and ideas in the spoke word format

Lead Investors:
Y Combinator, GV

Total Raised:


My Thoughts:
I’d imagine most of us can relate to thinking about what we would share with the world if we were on a podcast. The way there are professional photographers, there might be a world where professional podcasters capture your conversational ideas, especially if social audio reaches the mainstream.

Hi, I am Nicolas von Blottnitz, an Associate at Headline’s SF office focusing on Consumer, Fintech, and SaaS businesses. Since joining in 2018, I have led our investments in Tabnine, Polygon, Flockjay, Solid, and Grin.

What is the EVA Growth Index?
The EVA Growth index is a composite of third-party data sources around a company’s website traffic. The vertical green lines in the charts represent a point in time where the company raised outside capital.



Nicolas von Blottnitz
Headline Asia Publication

Early-stage venture capitalist at the global venture firm Headline and passionate surfer.