Top Seed Companies: Rewind, Hoken, Vesto, Bump, Momento

Our Investor Nicolas von Blottnitz shares the top-seeded companies to keep an eye on this week.

Nicolas von Blottnitz
Headline Asia Publication
4 min readNov 7, 2022


We see about 5,000 startups each week, and I want to give you a glimpse into how we at Headline think about trending tech companies and tracking new investment opportunities. In this post, I’m highlighting top tech companies that have announced or raised a seed round within the past week.


EVA Growth Index:

Next-gen search engine that lets a user query for anything that was recently seen, said, or heard on a user’s machine

Lead Investors:
Andreessen Horowitz

Total Raised:

Command E

My Thoughts:
I have featured quite a few of these next-gen search solutions, but none of them enables a user to be able to look up things across recent conversations or videos viewed, which looks to be super powerful and impressive from an engineering perspective.


EVA Growth Index:
No external sources showing growth

Digital marketplace that lets individuals book, sell, speculate or redeem hotel stays

Lead Investors:
Streamlined Ventures

Total Raised:


My Thoughts:
This seems incredibly cool, but I wonder how they will get the buy-in from the hotel operators. If they get this right, they will significantly increase the liquidity in this market, which theoretically should increase the asset class's value at large.


EVA Growth Index:
No external sources showing growth

Treasury management platform for startups to put their idle cash to work

Lead Investors:

Total Raised:


My Thoughts:
You’d be surprised how idle the billions of invested venture capital dollars are sitting across start-ups. Giving these dollars a more productive home beyond antiquated business banks like SVB looks like a major opportunity.


EVA Growth Index:

Developer hub that outlines all the API documentation, updates, and workflows for modern engineering organizations

Lead Investors:
Bpifrance Digital Venture, Galion.exe

Total Raised:


My Thoughts:
Proper documentation, especially in this remote and high employee turnover technology market, is more valuable than ever, and it can’t be that Notion is the best solution for the modern organization to make this happen.


EVA Growth Index:

Serverless cache solution that automatically optimizes, scales, and manages the cache of cloud products via just five lines of code

Lead Investors:
Bain Capital Ventures

Total Raised:


My Thoughts:
For non-technical readers, a cache is a short-term storage/memory for a product to quickly pull up recently queried data instead of querying the database again for it. With the scale of data sets outpacing the rate at which we are becoming faster to query data, caches have become a must-have solution to make software products responsive.

Hi, I am Nicolas von Blottnitz, an Associate at Headline’s SF office focusing on Consumer, Fintech, and SaaS businesses. Since joining in 2018, I have led our investments in Tabnine, Polygon, Flockjay, Solid, and Grin.

What is the EVA Growth Index?
The EVA Growth index is a composite of third-party data sources around a company’s website traffic. The vertical green lines in the charts represent a point in time where the company raised outside capital.



Nicolas von Blottnitz
Headline Asia Publication

Early-stage venture capitalist at the global venture firm Headline and passionate surfer.