5 Reasons To Redesign Your Company Logo

Anastasia Zakrevskaya
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2017

“The only unchangeable thing in the world is changes”

A company logo is a critical aspect of business marketing. Nowadays, logos are not just for stationery and business cards. They will be on social networks, website, your staff uniforms, and so on. So, it’s crucial to get it right. A company logo should be eye-catching, but most importantly it should reflect company’s strengths and core business values. Your company’s identity must be recognizable and exert influence.

To keep the brand memorable, and at the same time increase its relevance and attractiveness, the logo redesign should be timely and perfectly thought out. Here are the five main reasons when it’s time to redesign a logo.

  1. Age

When was your logo first created? When was it redesigned last time? These are simple questions, but the first and most obvious things to consider. If your logo was developed in the 90s it may be an appropriate time for entering the modern era. A logo for your company is a great and strong marketing tool, and after a specified period of time, it needs to be updated.

2. Your business is evolving

We all know that no company remains static for long. When your company begins to experience considerable changes, that’s the very moment for redesigning your logo. An improved look can be a signal of a new direction and give fresh impetus to the company as you move towards the modern future.

3. Design Trends

After a long time a company logo is no longer as relevant as you once thought. And to keep step with the design world changes just tweak or adjust your logo. If your logo looks outdated, don’t waste your time, confidently refresh or even change it for a more modern look.

4. New competition

Your company was at the top of the game, and, suddenly, you’re faced with some serious competitor. All right, the time has come to fight for your place in the sun but it’s also an opportune moment to remind about yourself. Thus, a logo redesign will show your existing and potential clients that you’re an up-to-date company which is worthy to be considered.

5. News Hook

Don’t forget that a new logo is an excellent occasion for reminding about your company existence. The bigger a company or more radical changes, the more mention of it will be on information resources, as well as reposts in social networks. What matters is not to change your logo only for this purpose. Unreasonable redesign although able to attract the attention of a million audience but it doesn’t enhance loyalty to the brand and will be perceived as a doubtful indicator of development and growth.

Сlosing remarks

The logo of your company is a representation of your corporate identity. It’s your business face that reminds customers of your brand. So, make sure your logo is saying what you want it to say!

Just consider these simple things:

  1. Does your logo reflect your actual customer focus?
  2. Is it one-of-a-kind?
  3. When people see your logo, do they remember who you are?

And if you answered NO at least to one question — boldly make changes!

