5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Chatbot

Anastasia Zakrevskaya
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2017

In the previous article, we provide you a brief intro to chatbots. Now let’s dig deeper and find out how can a chatbot help your business and why you should use it.

Chatbots have the enormous power today. But what we can expect from bots tomorrow? According to data available on Statista, we can see how messaging apps have surpassed social networks.

Though it is too early to predict whether chatbots will replace mobile applications, but one thing is for certain: the future of chatbot looks promising.

A chatbot is a great marketing tool of a new generation and it’s really not news. Chatbots may be one of the most important pieces to scale a company in the future. They provide a business the ability to be everywhere at once. Or just imagine that your company is growing rapidly and needs to cope customer service challenges. Wouldn’t it be nice to grow with demand without having to hire additional staff?

To deepen your understanding we can identify such benefits of having a chatbot:

  • Available 24 hours 7 days a week
  • Easy to get the necessary information: a chatbot provides advisory support, rather than selling a service/product
  • Feedback: a chatbot can remind a user about important events
  • Bots accumulate the gained knowledge and become more flexible and smarter after every chat with a client (if a chatbot uses AI)
  • Can increase your revenues
  • Find the required info in a huge database much more faster than a specially trained person (if a chatbot uses AI)

Is it worth using a chatbot in business?

#1 Reason. Convenience is king

Users demand an easy and effective online experience. Chatbots facilitate convenient information seeking, application of expertise, and expedient conversation, based on two-way shopping experiences. Moreover, today more and more potential customers refuse to communicate via calls. Phone calls are considered now as an invasion of privacy. That is why people prefer texting. Simplicity is what helped the most successful brands win our hearts. These things are the core of a chatbot concept that’s why they are doomed to success.

#2 Reason. Higher user engagement

Nowadays most businesses have a web presence. But with being on the internet, boundaries of day and night, availability and unavailability have changed, as well user expectations. Probably this is the most important reason to use them. A chatbot gives users an interactive experience. If done right, chatbots can help customers resolve their issues and make them more likely to return.

#3 Reason. Drive up organizational efficiency

Instead of employing more people for mundane and repetitive tasks, install a chatbot business solution and automate everything. Furthermore, this customer service has no human factor: chatbots are always in a good mood and never sleep.

#4 Reason. Better Marketing and More Sales

Chatbots can play a significant role analyzing customer data and optimizing sales and marketing strategies in light of this analysis. According to Forbes, “Chatbots can be programmed to track purchasing patterns and monitor data from consumers. This tells a company which products to market differently, which to market more and which to redevelop for a relaunch.” As a result, you save money by not having to hire an analyst and the analysis will be higher level due to the lack of human error.

#5 Reason. Minimal cost — Maximum returns

The best part about chatbots is they are cheap. There is already a huge number of services that allow you to automate some business needs without having to program. Chatbots require minimal maintenance and since it is automated, there is no labor-intensive work that goes in there.

Concluding words

Even if chatbots seem like a niche right now, market predictions point to chatbots changing how people interact with businesses and with the internet on a large scale. For most businesses, it makes no sense to create your own chatbot, but for almost everyone, it makes sense to use the ready-made service for a quick and cheap bot creation. If you need to automate the communication process with your clients — it’s time to use a chatbot. But we must always remember and consider the fact that bots can not replace the human factor.

