Chat Revolution. All You Need To Know About Chatbots

Anastasia Zakrevskaya
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2017

A chatbot is the newest kid in the world of tech and is becoming more and more omnipresent in our day to day lives. But what is a chatbot? Why is it so popular? These are the questions we’re going to answer right now. Ready? Then let’s do this.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a robotic system that can substitute for employees and save your money. In other words, chatbots are the special services, that mimic conversation with people by using artificial intelligence. Today, plenty of world famous brands has already gained an experience of using chatbots. The most popular chatbot platforms are Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack, Skype, Apple iMessage etc.

What kind of bots are there?

  • Virtual assistants — help you find information, remember stuff or buy things. Think Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Assistant. This type of bots relies on artificial intelligence to learn and find out what you need.
  • Messaging apps — basically enable businesses to be online 24/7 providing customer support. An example is Kik or WeChat. Chatbots in messengers have the ability to interact with users by earlier pre-programmed rules.

Examples of chatbots


It allows you to sign up, order a car, get an estimate, find driver info, and more. You can do all of these without having to download the official app.


It enables you to review suggested items according to the conversation with the bot. Tell it what you’re looking for and shopbot presents some suggestions bearing in mind your answers and preferences. You can even upload a photo and ask bot for similar items.


This bot can lead you through a shopping experience and help you create exclusive looks.

The Wall Street Journal

The bot makes it easy to stay on top of the big news, investigative reporting and business coverage.

Everyday people are discovering the more benefits from chatbots and they have surely become the biggest thing in the world of technology.

There are a lot of services and frameworks for creating chatbots. Let’s consider the most effective of them.

  • Chatfuel — is a bot platform for creating an AI chatbot on Facebook. You can create a Facebook message bot quickly and easily, no coding required.
  • — is a fully fledged web-based IDE and contains everything you need to make amazing bots including a flow & code editor, test chat, live debugger and visualizer.
  • — is a framework from Google that builds engaging voice and text-based conversational apps.


Despite the fact that chatbots are still in the early stages of adoption among the masses, however, these robotic systems are influencing the tech world steadily and it’s only a matter of time. And HeadWorks is a company which strives to keep up with the times, so in the near future, we intend to create our own bots. The future sneaks up on us quickly so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve so you won’t miss out on a competitive edge. Who knows, maybe in a short period of time you will improve your company due to your smart robotic assistant and HeadWorks will help you.

