Why Mobile App Is a Must-Have For Business

Anastasia Zakrevskaya
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2017

It’s not a big news, but I must say that today a mobile app — is a powerful tool for business. The best proof of that is the Research which has shown that the enterprise mobile app market is expected to grow to $63 billion by 2020.

Applications for mobile devices penetrate many areas of business. They are already deeply rooted in such areas as publishing, e-commerce, service industry, etc. It works!

Smartphone and tablet sales long time exceed sales of PC. Do I need to say that mobile environment is the “gold mine” for business?

Suppose I’m an entrepreneur and have a website. One day a representative of a mobile app development company tells me: “Mobile application can save your business and nobody can do without it.” Should I trust him?

OK, right, let’s think about this logically. A mobile phone is more than a PC, it’s always with a user. Therefore, if you want to receive loyal customers, you should consider your application as a new tool that will be useful not only to you but also to users.

And now we’re getting to the best part — What business challenges can mobile apps meet?


Smartphone — it’s a kind of personal space. Do you take useless product brochures from a postal box, put them in your pocket to carry with you? The answer is obvious. Users install an app only when they are interested in this service or info, they will NEVER do this for no reason. As a result, mobile apps — only target users.


Connecting to the business through mobile apps is much more convenient to the customers as it does not require intermediaries.


Mobile apps contain rich functionality. For example, they have access to the navigation and camera of the mobile device. As a result, an app has a lot of features and functions that will be useful to any entrepreneur.


Mobile apps definitely can increase your sales as a business can promote its service through them.


Mobile apps have proved to be an excellent tool as a user can access info every minute through it.


A mobile application can highly improve your business and make your brand recognizable in the competitive world.

7. BE VISIBLE 24/7

On an average, a normal man spends major hours on mobile phones and more than 3 hours a day on mobile apps.

A fly in the ointment

The mobile apps market is growing by leaps and bounds. There is a huge amount of mobile apps in the markets. And among this abundance it’s hard to find a really high-quality product. Therefore, only a desire to develop a mobile app is not enough for your real business success. All should be carefully considered: an idea, for what platforms, who your target audience, what user problems an app will solve, etc. If you need the high-quality mobile app development for your business, HeadWorks can build your team and save your money and time. Contact us today!

Summing up

Mobile apps are not just important but have become a requisite for businesses across the globe. And here are the reasons:

  • Mobile doesn’t sleep. Your site must be adapted to mobile devices. The number of people who use smartphones or tablets to surf on Internet will grow every year. To lose this segment of the audience is simply a foolish decision.
  • The implementation of mobile apps in the processes of business automation and increasing productivity — this is what it was worth starting to invest YESTERDAY.
  • Mobile applications that complement online services and loyalty programs — these are what the market lives today.
  • The real value and usefulness of the application (health, education, games, geolocation) as a part of brand positioning are exactly what your customers want to see in the future.

