6 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee For Focus Without The Crash
Starting your morning with a cup of coffee is a ritual millions of Americans partake in, but at some point, one cup turns into 2 and 2 cups turn into four. Before you know it, you’ve got a caffeine addiction, and your usual cup of coffee doesn’t keep you awake, it simply prevents caffeine withdrawal.
It’s possible to get the same energy boost and enhanced focus from these 6 healthy alternatives to coffee:
Yerba Mate
Yerba mate is made from the leaves of the holly tree, which naturally contain caffeine. While yerba mate is traditionally infused with hot water as a tea, recently brands have created canned energy drinks as an alternative to Rockstar and Red Bull. Yerba mate tea has less caffeine than coffee but more caffeine than tea, making it a good choice for people look to taper down their energy drink or coffee addiction.
Looking for a stimulant that is caffeine free? Kratom is in the coffee plant family, but the green ground powder looks like and tastes like a more bitter version of green tea matcha. Many people don’t like the taste of pure kratom tea, and try to blend it with coffee or other drinks. We recommend AURA tea, which has a natural raspberry chocolate flavor and includes an energizing strain of kratom.