The Most Life-Changing Habit You Can Adopt Right Now

Rachel Winkler
Heal Your Life
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2021

Becoming a positively focused person is undoubtedly one of the most powerful, life-changing habits a person can adopt. Miraculous things began to happen in my own life when I decided to elevate my thoughts and emotions to more appreciation and gratitude than dissatisfaction and complaining.

I spent a long time only dabbling with the concept of positive thinking. It sounded sort of cliché, and I didn’t really understand it, so I really wasn’t able to sustain it for any length of time. I would keep it going for a day or two then something would happen and that would be the end of it. I would become angry, jealous, fearful, or whatever emotion fit the condition of the moment.

I was allowing the situations in my life to determine how I felt and then I would defiantly declare “This stuff doesn’t work!”. We’ve been taught to believe that things just happen and that we don’t really have any control in our lives.

It’s so much easier to blame our problems on someone else or some set of circumstances. Blaming things on something outside of ourselves is seductive because it takes the responsibility off of us personally.

The problem with this thinking is that it’s also disempowering and completely undermines any possibility to consistently have the life we want. This is because it’s always dependent on someone else behaving differently. How’s that working out?

My own experience has shown me that this will never work because there’s literally no end to the need to control and change others. This approach to life is exhausting and the results are paltry compared to taking control of our thoughts and emotions and deliberately guiding them towards the elevated emotions of love, appreciation, joy and happiness.

It wasn’t until I took radical responsibility for my own set of circumstances that I was able to step into my power and create the life I wanted. Now, I don’t need anyone else to do anything. It’s all about me and my attitude. Who am I being in this moment? What am I focused on and talking about? Am I feeling happy or sad? It’s really that simple.

The reason most people find it so difficult to stay positive is that they want the conditions to please them first. So, if the condition is good, they will feel good, but it doesn’t work that way. Sorry, but we have to be a match to what we want. In other words, we have to believe we can have it and imagine ourselves already having it, even though we can’t see it. In other words, we have to feel for it.

It’s not easy to look at the positive when you’re right in the midst of the negative. So, this is when you don’t worry about thinking positive, you just start to take your attention off of the negative. It’s all energy and it’s like a train going 100 mph. You’re not going to stop it right away, but you can begin to slow it down by taking your attention off of it. Take a nap, go for walk, pet your dog, just do anything that moves your attention away from the unwanted and makes you feel better.

As the negativity begins to slow, you will have access to more positive thoughts and situations. Things will gradually start looking up. Eventually your train will begin moving in the opposite direction and now it’s up to you to continue to move the energy in this direction with your appreciation and gratitude.

The thing about positive thinking is that it has to be unconditional. In other words, you have to think positive even when the conditions of your life are not the way you want them to be. Doing this is not easy, but it is possible. It’s not only possible it’s absolutely necessary if you want to create a better life experience. You have to find the feeling first, so start finding things to appreciate and you’ll get more to appreciate.

You are a creator so start creating! If you’re always looking at your current conditions and feeling bad about them, whether it’s health, relationships money or whatever, you will just keep getting more of the same because this is what has your attention.

You must make the decision that you want to feel good and nothing else will do. Begin to shift your mind to look at the good stuff and feel appreciation for those things on a very consistent basis. Stop all complaining and don’t take score.

Expect good things without expectation. Do it because you understand that feeling good means you are in alignment with the source that creates worlds. This will open doorways that will continually surprise and delight you. You are free to choose your point of focus in every moment and what you do with this brilliant, creative life force will determine your future conditions.

Science is proving that high vibrating emotions such as appreciation and gratitude cause our cells to behave differently and replicate as healthy, young cells. We are designed to heal and renew both in our cells and our lives. By elevating our thoughts and emotions, we can all live long, healthy and very happy lives.

The power truly is within you!



Rachel Winkler
Heal Your Life
Editor for

I have been a health and wellness entrepreneur for over 25 years, falling into it by accident. It turned out to be the universe setting me on my life’s path.