Jima Ngei
Healing focus
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2017


Out of Africa Theory and Race Relations

Sometimes as I think of racism and fixation with skin colour, I wonder if the people who moved out of Africa weren’t just anyone but were select people? As I look at reactions to Albinos and albinism in Africa, maybe lighter skin colour or similar formed the primary criteria for those in the ‘out of Africa’ move. And maybe this helped plant the seeds for white skin colour in places out of Africa. Perhaps, facing increased discrimination and possibly intolerance, these groups had news of lands beyond the Sahara where the sun was not as harsh and where they could form their communities in security, or even for some other common reason such as familial or interests and so left Africa?

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Similarly, many recounts of slave abductions during the Atlantic slave trade indicate that it wasn’t very en-masse but certain criteria were commonly used. The abductions were mostly of the easy to accomplish kind, of soft unprotected targets. All the people comprising a community weren’t usually sold off but a selective taking of easy targets. Many people, myself (a native African) included wonder why the African slaves weren’t much more violent in the new world? And why the generations left behind in Africa found it difficult to bind together for common causes? Maybe, just maybe the effect of carrying away “easy soft targets” to the new world meant that the more passive “follower” class (or omega personalities) were taken away and the more “leadership” class (or alpha/beta personalities) were left behind. Which meant that the more natural mix of “alpha/beta” and “omega” types in society was altered. So the left behind community had more alpha/beta types than normal and the carried away group had less alpha/beta and more omega type personalities than usual. Resulting in less submissiveness (or followership) in the left behinds and more submissiveness (or followership) in the taken away’ed’ than in a typical mix of that society. Thus, making reintegration (forced nevertheless) but possible in the new world.

Legitimacy of Authority

In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected president of the United States, many Americans could not accept his presidency as legitimate. Mostly, because of what he represented “a black family in the white house”. So they started movements like “birther”, shut down the government, opposed anything Obama did especially in Congress and through other authorities like States and so on, and started all kinds of inflammatory/derogatory “ape” digs at the Obamas. At the 2016 Presidential election, this trend came to a full turn, Donald Trump and many Americans with similar views continued to play the race card and added a religious and sex card implying that the only legitimate group to be the president is a “white male”. In return, many Americans started seeing the Trump presidency (and what he represents) as illegitimate.


Sometime in the late nineties, as a young Christian believer in my teens, I read an interpretation of prophecies from the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation saying America would be the last empire before the Armageddon (or end of the world). I remember thinking then, “O American is just getting into its strength as the single most powerful country in the world (with the breakup of the Soviet Union), and it would be so for many years to come”. Yet, this is early January 2017, and already America as a country is facing increased delegitimacy of its government internally, and externally as the leader of the free world.

Early Conclusions

If my thoughts above have some merit in them, it leads me to the early conclusion that Africa “the origin of humankind” fell because of the race card/disintegration, and America is going to too. They expanded with integration (forced in America, and similarly with many empires) when integration was the primary play and contracted (and eventually fell) when race or other forms of glass ceilings — lack of inclusion, discrimination and intolerance — become preeminent

The Future of the World

Does this mean that if we have to go to Mars (outer space) or live in a thriving “globalized” world in future, that race card has to be downplayed by everyone for everyone? Otherwise, the end of the world is closer than expected, and the cause would be entirely anthropocentric (manmade)?

