What Does And Does Not Work When Healing Narcissistic Abuse

The most important things I’ve learned over the past decade of my healing journey.

Jordin James
Healing From Narcissistic Abuse
10 min readJun 11, 2021


Photo by Dimitry Zub on Unsplash

I went no-contact with my narcissistic father at age 16.

At that time in my life, there was nothing healthy to turn to that could fill the space my father used to take up in my life, which caused me to feel lonely and lost. But it was clear enduring the loneliness was far better than having his influence in my life.

I struggled with my mental health through the rest of high school and college. Having unhealthy relationships with men (surprise, surprise) and trying to figure out why I still felt so lonely all of the time.

I would try talking to my dad off and on over the years, but he kept breaching my boundaries in a significant way so I would cut him off again.

Honestly, I kinda just wandered around for a decade, trying and failing to fix what was “wrong” with me.

I got married at 24, divorced at 26.

Like most of us who get married, I thought it was a healthy relationship. But I was extremely co-dependant (even though I’d read all the books about co-dependency and swore I wasn’t) and he had his own narcissistic tendencies that became more clear as he got…



Jordin James
Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

Worthiness coach, writer, parts work expert. Replacing loneliness with belonging, one part at a time. Find more: Jordinjames.com // Socials: @justjordinjames