The Prayer Challenge

Cyndi Bennett
My Spiritual Journey
4 min readNov 5, 2023

Unlocking the power of corporate prayer

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

As we enter November, I want to pause my series Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, and focus on preparing my heart for Thanksgiving. Each Saturday in November, my church does a 24-hour prayer chain where members sign up for a 30-minute prayer slot, and we corporately pray for 24 hours.

It is usually a sweet fellowship time with the Lord, and you can really tell the difference it makes in people’s lives. Our pastors have often said that the best time to preach is during the month of prayer because people’s hearts are tender toward God.

We have been doing this for years, and I have developed somewhat of a process that I would like to share with you. Perhaps you can devise your own routine for the month of Thanksgiving.

The Approach

My first session is always about confession. As much as I try to live my life in constant fellowship with the Lord, there always seem to be attitudes, beliefs, or some other sin that sneaks its way into my relationship with the Lord.

God is holy, and I am a sinner. The best I can do is come to Him, confess my sins before Him, and claim His forgiveness. The Bible tells me in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Tears are usually involved in this process as the Spirit convicts me of sin and tenderizes my heart. There is nothing more important to me than being right with my Creator.

My second session is usually for my family. I have my husband, three adult children (two with spouses), and four grandsons, not to mention my mom and extended family of aunts/uncles and cousins. Many of them do not know the Lord, and I deeply desire that for them.

My third session is for our leaders and those who serve in the ministry. Our country needs a lot of prayer. Our leaders need a lot of prayer. The leaders at my place of employment need a lot of prayer. Our pastors, deacons, and missionaries need a lot of prayer. The leaders who work tirelessly in service of others need a lot of prayer. My fellow coaches and therapists need a lot of prayer.

In my last session, I bring to Him the burdens of my own heart, which usually turns into an extended session of thanksgiving for all He’s done in my life, my healing journey, and the work He has called me to. This is the sweetest session and usually comes on the Saturday following Thanksgiving.

The Method

For many people, praying for thirty minutes can initially seem daunting, but like most things, it takes practice. If you can scroll mindlessly on Facebook for hours, you can surely pray to your Creator for thirty minutes.

Personally, I do not do the traditional prayer time of sitting in my chair, closing my eyes, and praying because I will immediately go to sleep as soon as I stop moving. Due to my ADHD (which often comes with trauma), I choose to journal my prayers to the Lord. Basically, it’s like writing Him a letter. If you’ve read my blogs for any length of time, you will know how much writing helps me to collect and organize my thoughts.

Personal journaling is already a daily practice for me, so journaling to the Lord seems really natural. While I am focused on a specific topic/group of people, I allow the Holy Spirit to direct my thoughts about who and what to pray for. Writing my prayers keeps me focused, my body engaged, and my mind/heart open to whatever comes.

The Impact

The impact that this practice has had on me has been tremendous. There have been times on this healing journey when I’ve found it difficult to pray because I struggled with being candid with the Lord about what’s been on my heart. But every time I find the courage to lay all of it at His feet, He always meets me where I am with the tenderness and compassion of someone who already can see the pain.

When we come to Him as we are in all our imperfections, seek forgiveness for our sins/failures, and acknowledge His holiness, we are accepted in the beloved. God doesn’t want us to pretend to be super spiritual or something we’re not. He wants us to come honestly and authentically because He sees right through all our pretense anyway.

The impact that this practice has had on our church has also been tremendous. Somehow, when you walk into the welcome center during the month of prayer, it just feels different. People are more engaged and open with others. Their hearts are tender and open. They seem more caring. They are quick to prayer, not the promise of prayer. While it draws us closer to our Savior, it also draws us closer to one another…and that feels so amazing.

The Challenge

Will you join us in this month of prayer? Only thirty minutes on a Saturday, and you get to pick the time. I want to see your spiritual lives transformed through the power of prayer. I want to hear about all the answers to your prayers and how the Lord worked in ways that you couldn’t even imagine.

Select a time. Set the timer on your phone to remind you. Be intentional. Pray. Watch God work!!!



Cyndi Bennett
My Spiritual Journey

Leader. Advocate. Writer. Speaker. Coach. Mentor. Encourager. Trauma Survivor. My mission is to minimize the effects of trauma survivors in the workplace.