The genetics of both parents and children must be considered when assessing the links between conditions such as obesity and mental health. Image credit: Public domain

Body weight and child mental health

A child’s body mass index is not strongly associated with the child’s mental health symptoms.

Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2024


Some studies show that children with obesity are more likely to receive a diagnosis of depression, anxiety, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But this does not necessarily mean obesity causes these conditions. Depression, anxiety, or ADHD could cause obesity. A child’s environment, including family income or their parents’ mental health, could also affect a child’s weight and mental health. Understanding the nature of these relationships could help scientists develop better interventions for both obesity and mental health conditions.

Genetic studies may help scientists better understand the role of the environment in these conditions, but it’s important to consider both the child’s and their parents’ genetics in these analyses. This is because parents and children share not only genes but also environmental conditions. For example, families that carry genetic variants associated with higher body weight might also have lower incomes, if parents have been affected by biases against heavier people in society and the workplace. Children in these families could have worse mental health because of the effects of their parent’s weight, rather than their own weight. Looking at both child and adult genetics can help disentangle these processes.

Hughes et al. show that a child’s body mass index, a ratio of weight and height, is not strongly associated with the child’s mental health symptoms. They analysed genetic, weight, and health survey data from about 41,000 8-year-old children and their parents. The results suggest that a child’s own BMI does not have a large effect on their anxiety symptoms. There was also no clear evidence that a child’s BMI affected their symptoms of depression or ADHD.

These results contradict previous studies, which did not account for parental genetics. Hughes et al. suggest that, at least for eight-year-olds, factors linked with adult weight and which differ between families may be more critical to a child’s mental health than a child’s own weight. For older children and adolescents, this may not be the case, and the individual’s own weight may be more important. As a result, policies designed to reduce obesity in mid-childhood are unlikely to greatly improve the mental health of children. On the other hand, policies targeting the environmental or societal factors contributing to higher body weights, bias against people with higher weights, and poor child mental health directly may be more beneficial.

