Microscopy image of a three-dimensional culture in which cells that express E7 (green) accumulate in the bottom layer of the culture. Image credit: Hatterschide et al. (CC BY 4.0)

Keeping cells past their expiration date

Papillomaviruses prevent cells from maturing.

Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2022


The ‘epithelial’ cells that cover our bodies are in a constant state of turnover. Every few weeks, the outermost layers die and are replaced by new cells from the layers below. For scientists, this raises a difficult question. Cells infected by human papillomaviruses, often known as HPV, can become cancerous over years or even decades. How do infected cells survive while the healthy cells around them mature and get replaced?

One clue could lie in PTPN14, a human protein which many papillomaviruses eliminate using their viral E7 protein; this mechanism could be essential for the virus to replicate and cause cancer. To find out the impact of losing PTPN14, Hatterschide et al. used human epithelial cells to make three-dimensional models of infected tissues. These experiments showed that, when papillomaviruses destroy PTPN14, a human protein called YAP1 turns on in the lowest, most long-lived layer of the tissue. Cells in which YAP1 is activated survive while those that carry the inactive version mature and die. This suggests that papillomaviruses turn on YAP1 to remain in tissues for long periods.

Papillomaviruses cause about five percent of all human cancers. Finding ways to stop them from activating YAP1 has the potential to prevent disease. Overall, the research by Hatterschide et al. also sheds light on other epithelial cancers which are not caused by viruses.

