Human muscle fibres (in green) grown in a laboratory from naïve, undifferentiated cells. In blue, the cell compartment that contains the genetic information. Image credit: Ortiz-Cordero et al. (CC BY 4.0)

Muscular dystrophy, in a cell dish

A new human muscle cell model helps to identify drugs for treating molecular defects that lead to muscle conditions.

Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2021


Healthy muscles are complex machines that require a myriad of finely tuned molecules to work properly. For instance, a protein called alpha-DG sits at the surface of healthy muscle cells, where it strengthens the tissue by latching onto other proteins in the environment. To perform its role correctly, it first needs to be coated with sugar molecules, a complex process which requires over 20 proteins, including the enzyme FKRP. Faulty forms of FKRP reduce the number of sugars added to alpha-DG, causing the muscle tissue to weaken and waste away, potentially leading to severe forms of diseases known as muscular dystrophies.

Drugs that can restore alpha-DG sugar molecules could help to treat these conditions. Previous studies on mice and fish have highlighted two potential candidates, known as ribitol and NAD+, which can help to compensate for reduced FKRP activity and allow sugars to be added to alpha-DG again. Yet no model is available to test these molecules on actual human muscle cells.

Here, Ortiz-Cordero et al. developed such a model in the laboratory by growing muscle cells from naïve, undifferentiated cells generated from skin given by a muscular dystrophy patient with a faulty form of FKRP. The resulting muscle fibers are in essence identical to the ones present in the individual. As such, they can help to understand the effect various drugs have on muscular dystrophies.

The cells were then put in contact with either NAD+, ribitol, or a precursor of ribitol known as ribose. Ortiz-Cordero et al. found that ribitol and ribose restored the ability of FKRP to add sugars to alpha-DG, reducing muscle damage. Combining NAD+ with ribitol or ribose had an even a bigger impact, further increasing the number of sugars on alpha-DG.

The human muscle cell model developed by Ortiz-Cordero et al. could help to identify new compounds that can treat muscular conditions. In particular, the findings point towards NAD+, ribose and ribitol as candidates for treating FKRP-related muscular dystrophies. Further safety studies are now needed to evaluate whether these compounds could be used in patients.

