DNA puzzle. Image credit: qimono (CC0)

Nature and nurture

Insulin responses in mice with controlled diets and distinct genetics reveal how these factors interact to influence the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2024


When we eat, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin, which helps our tissues absorb glucose. Insulin works by triggering a cascade of events in cells, which include adding chemical tags called phosphate groups at thousands of specific locations on proteins. This tag causes the changes needed to move glucose from the blood into cells and also regulates many other essential functions in the cell.

If this process stops working and the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin, it can lead to type 2 diabetes. This can result from a complex combination of genetic and lifestyle factors, which are difficult to study systematically in people. An alternative approach to understand these influences is to study mice, which are commonly used to investigate metabolic diseases and have contributed to our understanding of the mechanisms of type 2 diabetes. Using carefully bred mice allows precise control of their genetics and environment, revealing the independent and joint effects of these factors.

Monitoring differences in the phosphate groups on proteins, van Gerwen et al. studied five distinct inbred mouse strains fed either an ordinary diet or one that was high in fat and sugar. Nearly half of the biochemical events triggered by insulin were altered by genetics on the ordinary diet. High-fat, high-sugar feeding also reshaped the pattern of phosphate tags depending on the mouse strain. By examining these cellular responses, van Gerwen et al. identified proteins that may regulate the insulin response in muscle cells. Increasing the activity of one of these enzymes reversed insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells grown in the laboratory.

This research underscores the importance of genetics in controlling insulin responses and shaping the impact of environmental challenges. It establishes a new opportunity in personalised medicine, which seeks to understand how an individual’s genetics combine with their lifestyle to shape health. Furthermore, it identifies potential new targets for treating insulin resistance, paving the way for future research to develop more effective diabetes treatments.

