Microscopic image of the sperm (head in blue, tail in red, acrosome in green) of mice without the protein Cylicin 1, which reduces their fertility. Some sperm are normal while others appear kinked or misshaped. Image credit: Schneider et al. (CC BY 4.0)

Sperm heads and tails

Male mice that are unable to produce two cytoskeleton proteins unique to sperm are infertile.

Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Male humans, mice and other animals produce sex cells known as sperm that seek out and fertilize egg cells from females. Sperm have a very distinctive shape with a head and a long tail that enables them to swim towards an egg. At the front of the sperm’s head is a pointed structure known as the acrosome that helps the sperm to burrow into an egg cell.

A structure known as the cytoskeleton is responsible for forming and maintaining the shape of acrosomes and other parts of cells. Two proteins, known as Cylicin 1 and Cylicin 2, are unique to the cytoskeleton of sperm, but their roles remain unclear.

To investigate the role of the Cylicins during spermiogenesis, Schneider, Kovacevic et al. used an approach called CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene-editing to generate mutant mice that were unable to produce either Cylicin 1 or Cylicin 2, or both proteins. The experiments found that healthy female mice were less likely to become pregnant when they mated with mutant males that lacked Cylicin 1 compared with males that had the protein. When they did become pregnant, the females had smaller litters of babies.

Mutant male mice lacking Cylicin 2 or both Cylicin proteins (so-called “double” mutants), were infertile and mating with healthy female mice did not lead to any pregnancies. Further experiments found that the sperm of such mice had smaller heads than normal sperm, defective acrosomes, and curled tails that wrapped around the head.

Schneider, Kovacevic et al. also examined the sperm of a human patient who had inherited genetic variants in the genes encoding both Cylicin proteins. Similar to the double mutant mice, the patient was infertile, and his sperm also had defective acrosomes and curled tails.

These findings indicate that Cylicins are required to make the acrosome as sperm cells mature and help maintain the structure of the cytoskeleton of sperm. Further studies of Cylicins and other sperm proteins in mice may help us to understand some of the factors that contribute to male infertility in humans.

