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The heart in the computer

A new computer model of electrical activity in the human heart resolves inconsistencies in previous models and offers new hope for the treatment of a range of heart diseases.

Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2020


Decades of intensive experimental and clinical research have revealed much about how the human heart works. Though incomplete, this knowledge has been used to construct computer models that represent the activity of this organ as a whole, and of its individual chambers (the atria and ventricles), tissues and cells. Such models have been used to better understand life-threatening irregular heartbeats; they are also beginning to be used to guide decisions about the treatment of patients and the development of new drugs by the pharmaceutical industry.

Yet existing computer models of the electrical activity of the human heart are sometimes inconsistent with experimental data. This problem led Tomek et al. to try to create a new model that was consistent with established biophysical knowledge and experimental data for a wide range of conditions including disease and drug action.

Tomek et al. designed a strategy that explicitly separated the construction and validation of a model that could recreate the electrical activity of the ventricles in a human heart. This model was able to integrate and explain a wide range of properties of both healthy and diseased hearts, including their response to different drugs. The development of the model also uncovered and resolved theoretical inconsistencies that have been present in almost all models of the heart from the last 25 years. Tomek et al. hope that their new human heart model will enable more basic, translational and clinical research into a range of heart diseases and accelerate the development of new therapies.

