Antibiotic resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (left) can be killed by combining antibiotic treatment with an inhibitor that blocks the formation of disulfide bonds (right). Image credit: Nikol Kadeřábková (CC BY 4.0)

Unravelling antibiotic resistance

Superbugs become vulnerable to antibiotics when their proteins fail to fold correctly.

Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2022


Antibiotics, like penicillin, are the foundation of modern medicine, but bacteria are evolving to resist their effects. Some of the most harmful pathogens belong to a group called the ‘Gram-negative bacteria’, which have an outer layer — called the cell envelope — that acts as a drug barrier. This envelope contains antibiotic resistance proteins that can deactivate or repel antibiotics or even pump them out of the cell once they get in. One way to tackle antibiotic resistance could be to stop these proteins from working.

Proteins are long chains of building blocks called amino acids that fold into specific shapes. In order for a protein to perform its role correctly, it must fold in the right way. In bacteria, a protein called DsbA helps other proteins fold correctly by holding them in place and inserting links called disulfide bonds. It was unclear whether DsbA plays a role in the folding of antibiotic resistance proteins, but if it did, it might open up new ways to treat antibiotic resistant infections.

To find out more, Furniss, Kaderabkova et al. collected the genes that code for several antibiotic resistance proteins and put them into Escherichia coli bacteria, which made the bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Furniss, Kaderabkova et al. then stopped the modified E. coli from making DsbA, which led to the antibiotic resistance proteins becoming unstable and breaking down because they could not fold correctly.

Further experiments showed that blocking DsbA with a chemical inhibitor in other pathogenic species of Gram-negative bacteria made these bacteria more sensitive to antibiotics that they would normally resist. To demonstrate that using this approach could work to stop infections by these bacteria, Furniss, Kaderabkova et al. used Gram-negative bacteria that produced antibiotic resistance proteins but could not make DsbA to infect insect larvae. The larvae were then treated with antibiotics, which increased their survival rate, indicating that blocking DsbA may be a good approach to tackling antibiotic resistant bacteria.

According to the World Health Organization, developing new treatments against Gram-negative bacteria is of critical importance, but the discovery of new drugs has ground to a halt. One way around this is to develop ways to make existing drugs work better. Making drugs that block DsbA could offer a way to treat resistant infections using existing antibiotics in the future.

