How to Become a Healthcare Assistant or Community Support Worker

Sara Lizzie
Health & Community Support Worker
3 min readNov 3, 2015

Becoming a healthcare assistant or a community support worker is an excellent career choice for anyone that loves to make a difference in their community and is compassionate, patient and has a reliable, strong work ethic. This role is extremely rewarding and for individuals that are interested in this career path, a certificate in this field is an achievable venture that offers support, experience and the confidence to succeed in the healthcare environment.

To become a healthcare assistant or community support worker there are steps that potential students should take to determine the course that’s aligned with their interests and to enrol, study and graduate from their chosen program.

1. Determine the Course that is Right for you

A community support worker could mean a number of different roles within the industry. An entry level course will provide the foundation for any path that the student will end up taking in this field but it is advisable to know a bit about the different jobs available and to begin thinking about a specific direction. There are community support workers that work with children and others that deal with addictions recovery.

Some healthcare assists help with medication administration while others deal with mental illness, dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. Due to the vast range of specialities and paths within the industry, it helps students to read as much as possible about these roles and to start a plan of action to reach their desired destination.

2. Enrol in Community Support Worker Courses

With the assistance of the admissions department, students need to enrol in the program that suits their needs. The admissions advisor will provide guidance in any way that he or she is able, including offering information on the financial aid options that the school provides. In most cases, the school will have better rates than a bank so always speak to facility where you will be taking courses to learn more about their enrolment procedures and financial aid options.

3. Gain Experience Throughout your Academic Career

Being a community support worker or healthcare assistant involves a lot of knowledge, skill and confidence. A school that specializes specifically in these programs recognizes that students need the hands on experience, support and positive reinforcement that is necessary to become a professional and to handle this role with the utmost confidence.

A school for community support workers and healthcare assistants will offer small class sizes and internship opportunities to ensure that their students receive the attention that is required to handle the challenging curriculum and the demands that comes with the nature of the job.

With the right school, staff and curriculum, students will be able to handle the role with patience and passion.

