How do Foreign Trained Nurses work in Canada?

Sara Lizzie
Health & Community Support Worker
2 min readMay 22, 2015
Practical Nurse Diploma Program Certification

There are many highly trained and skilled nurses that have trained in another country and cannot work once they relocate to Canada. For most nurses that have devoted a significant amount of time and energy to their education, and a passion for nursing, they want to continue working in their field of expertise. This is where nurse accreditation courses can be the best solution to a foreign nurse having the certifications that are required to work in Canada.

Foreign nurse accreditation is designed to prepare foreign-trained nurses to challenge the CPNRE. Passing this test will allow nurses to obtain their Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) certification, which is one of the most highly-valued credentials in the health services industry.

How Long does it take to Obtain Foreign Nurse Accreditation?

It takes approximately six months for most to achieve their foreign nurse accreditation. The foreign nurse accreditation program consists of 14 courses that can be completed in 6 months. This includes over 795 hours of classroom theory and practice experience. The admission requirements only include the successful completion of the Admissions Interview and proof of registration for nursing in the student’s country of origin.

What is covered in a Foreign Nurse Accreditation Program?

Foreign nurse accreditation courses are designed for nurses that have already been trained for a career in nursing so basic competencies will be reviewed and activities are planned to assist nurses that are new to Canada to understand the cultural diversity and critical thinking and problem solving that is necessary for today’s healthcare industry in Canada. Other specific course topics will include:

>> Review of English for nursing purposes

>> Clinical Judgment

>> Overview of steps to LPN Registration in BC, Canada

>> Problem-solving and critical thinking

>> Entry level competencies for LPN’s

>> Review of cultural competencies

>> LPN Scope of practice & limitations

>> Review of clinical skills and use of current technology

>> Canadian Health Care System Review

>> Facility Preceptorship

>> Pathophysiology Review

>> Multiple choice and short answer exam techniques

>> Review of health history & health assessment

>> Practice written exams as used in CPNRE

>> Pharmacology Review

These are all topics that are review for trained and qualified nurses with an emphasis on Canada and nursing in BC. This course is ideal for nurses that want to become certified to work in Canada in six months.

How to Choose a School for Foreign Nurse Accreditation?

Choose a school for foreign nurse accreditation that focuses solely on the healthcare industry. This is an ideal way for nurses to be assured that they are entering in to an institution that focuses on nursing, community support and has established networks and connections to assist students with finding a career in their field once they have obtained their certifications and accreditation.

