Artificial Intelligence Now Classifies Lung Cancer as well as Pathologists

Towards AI-assisted healthcare

Jason Wei
Health Data Science


Deep learning identifies cancer on par with pathologists [source].

Lung cancer is the leading case of cancer death in the western world. Pathologists examine tissue slides under the microscope and classify them to determine grade and treatment for a tumor. But every cancer is different, so reading these slides can be hard. Like really hard. Can artificial intelligence help out?

Yes, yes, and…

Deep Learning

Recently, deep learning has produced a set of image analysis techniques that automatically extract relevant features called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), transforming the field of computer vision. CNNs use a data-driven approach to automatically learn feature representations for images, achieving super-human performance on benchmark image classification datasets such as ImageNet and CIFAR-10. By collecting large amounts of lung cancer images and having pathologists annotate them, a CNN can be trained to classify different types of cancer lung cancer slides, facilitating the identification and grading of lung adenocarcinoma.

Sliding window framework for lung slide classification [source].

Building an AI

