How Being Confident in Your Health Coaching Skills Will Mean More Financial Success

If you’ve just become a health coach — congratulations! Working for yourself and taking control of your career can be a very exciting thing to embark upon. However, if this is your first venture into the entrepreneurial territory, you might feel out of your element as you start to work your way up the learning curve and get more clients. At first, it can feel like a very overwhelming experience. As a nutrition coach and functional practitioner who has helped over 2000 nutrition clients, Travis Zipper knows all about what it takes to be a successful health coach and have a business that provides a good living. Taking the ‘back to basics’ approach to his coaching practice, Travis Zipper believes that a person’s health is built on a solid education around how to run at peak efficiency or let’s say knowing how to give clients your all but still take care of yourself. Understanding that confidence is a major component of financial success as a health coach, Travis Zipper is here to outline how to maximize your efforts as a beginning health coach.

Enhanced Confidence

No matter what profession you are working in, confidence is key to instilling trust in your relationships with coworkers, employees and especially clients. Gaining confidence as a health coach is a process that takes time, patience, and a willingness to learn new skills. Travis Zipper explains that being confident as a health coach is not just about having the confidence that you can bring clarity and awareness to your client’s issues that may be holding them back, but the confidence to also be a business owner and entrepreneur in this extremely competitive space. Being comfortable with marketing yourself, your successes, and your skills will take time to master. But if you aren’t putting yourself out there and becoming uncomfortable when it comes to growing your business and being the true face of that business, it will only slow your growth efforts and take even longer to adapt. The confidence gained by doing so will also help you acquire and attract new clients, which means more financial success in the future which ultimately everyone is looking for. From sharing client successes to speaking on key nutrition and exercise advice, your presence and confidence online can help turn followers into clients, so please don’t be shy to be on camera. The more you practice confidence, the better you will become.

Professional Connections

Another great way to start gaining confidence as a beginner is to seek out other professional connections in the health coaching industry. Travis Zipper explains that none of us can go it alone, even when you’re starting your own coaching business. Making connections with other health coaches who have been there and done that can help you avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with finding new clients and refining your own program. When you join a group of like-minded individuals, you can share tips, resources, and opportunities with one another. Additionally, having a mentor can also help you with your confidence, as questions about curriculum, time management, and working with clients can be answered easily. Travis Zipper explains that there will always be things that we do not know about any industry, especially when we are just starting out, and by having a few people to lean on when that happens it will only extend your knowledge base.

Lastly, the more confident you are, the better prepared you will be for when it comes to making sales calls. Travis Zipper explains that for many of us, sales can feel uncomfortable, and these feelings can be a major roadblock in the growth of any business. One of the commonalities among salespeople, regardless of the industry that they work in, is that knowing your product or service is going to be the key to selling it. Sometimes a lack of confidence in this area can be attributed to a lack of self-investment or self-education. How much time do you really spend per week expanding your knowledge of health, wellness, nutrition, and fitness realms? The more time that you spend building your mental Rolodex, the better prepared, and more confident that you will be in all of your sales interactions. In addition, listening attentively to your client’s wants and needs, and then being able to scroll through that mental Rolodex that you should always be growing and pulling out the relevant programs and directions to maximize your impact with clients is also a great way to secure sales.



Travis Zipper
Health & Fitness Coaching with Travis Zipper

Travis Zipper is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist (FDN), Fitness Coach, & Founder of Wellfitz located in Huntington Beach, California.