Travis Zipper on the Gap Between Good Health Coaches and Great Health Coaches

The position of health coach is becoming more and more of an essential part of our well-being as individuals. Where doctors diagnose, health coaches are the ones who devise the necessary plans to see changes and achieve health goals. As advocates for the well-being of others, health coaches have the potential to make significant positive impacts.

Travis Zipper, a nutrition coach and exercise counselor and functional diagnostic nutritionist from Huntington Beach, California, shares his thoughts on the difference between a good health coach and a great one.

Making it Personal

Every health coach needs to maintain relationships with their clients, and sometimes the difference between a good health coach and a great one can be the level of investment they decide to put in. Moving past formalities, great health coaches get to know their clients on a deeply personal level, building up a relationship that is both legitimate and caring.

Travis Zipper says that great health coaches also go well out of their way to maintain such relationships, checking in frequently and more than the bare minimum in order to ensure everything is going well, even when there are no immediate pressing issues. Such health coaches work their way past being hired professionals and become trusted friends, providing a level of assistance and accountability that can only be given with a deeply-rooted sense of caring.

Seeing the Big Picture

Oftentimes, while doctors will expertly assess the ‘what’ behind a patient’s condition, health coaches are the ones entrusted with questioning the ‘why’ of the matter. This element is traditionally overlooked, and great health coaches are determined to move past merely determining the symptoms and looking at the bigger picture.

Using their know-how of their clients that stems from a well-established relationship, health coaches are able to sense patterns in behavior, using their knowledge to making meaningful long-term suggestions for their clients. Overall, says Travis Zipper, great health coaches are always one step ahead, ready to provide suggestions and ideas for their clients at any time, as well as track the subsequent progress towards achieving these goals, making adjustments as needed with the big picture in mind.

Travis Zipper on Going Above and Beyond

With every responsibility that a health coach has, the right attitude can be the difference between merely performing their duties and achieving excellence. Great life coaches are determined to go above and beyond, choosing not to settle for meeting the checklists for things such as dietary improvements or increases to physical activity. Rather, they bring to the table a genuine sense of investment about the outcome of their work, determined to do everything they can do make a difference. This attitude of going above and beyond is applied to everything that a health coach does, from getting to know their clients and building relationships to holding them accountable during follow-ups and putting as much thought as possible into the plans that they devise.

Health coaches are entrusted with the well-being of their clients, and the task of making improvements in their lives is an arduous one, says Travis Zipper. Making any sort of change requires patience, deliberation, and knowledgeability. The health coach that decides to go above and beyond to exceed expectations will provide memorable experiences for both themselves and their clients that will last for years to come.

As the founder of Wellfitz, Travis Zipper is an experienced functional diagnostic nutritionist. With an invaluable knowledge and understanding of functional health tests, he is able to effectively pinpoint the root causes of issues for his clients and go above and beyond merely treating symptoms.



Travis Zipper
Health & Fitness Coaching with Travis Zipper

Travis Zipper is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist (FDN), Fitness Coach, & Founder of Wellfitz located in Huntington Beach, California.