8 Myths That Can Cause More Harm Than Good: Learn With First Aid Courses in Morphett Vale SA

Everyone can save a life if they are at the right place at the right time, but if you don’t know what you’re doing how do you know if you are helping, or if you making the situation worse?

Welcome to a crucial guide on debunking dangerous myths about first aid, brought to you by Zon Digital and presenting First Aid Pro in Morphett Vale SA, provider of First Aid training courses in South Australia.

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This post will provide insight into common first aid misconceptions that could potentially harm someone in need and offer expert advice on handling various emergencies.

1. Myth: Applying Butter or Ice on Burns

One of the most common first aid myths is the application of butter or ice to burns. This practice can actually cause more damage to the skin. The correct method is to run cool (not cold) water over the burn for 20 minutes, which helps reduce the temperature of the skin and alleviate pain without causing further injury.

2. Myth: Tilting Back the Head for Nosebleeds

Contrary to popular belief, tilting your head back during a nosebleed can cause blood to run into the throat and lead to choking or gagging. The proper response is to lean forward and gently pinch the nose just below the bridge, keeping the head above the heart to minimise bleeding.

3. Myth: Sucking Out Snake Venom

Films might have us believe that sucking out venom from a snakebite is a viable solution. However, this can actually introduce bacteria into the wound and spread the venom through the mouth. Instead, keep the affected limb immobilised and seek medical attention immediately.

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4. Myth: Inducing Vomiting After Poisoning

If someone has been poisoned, inducing vomiting is not recommended as it can cause further harm. It is essential to call poison control or a medical professional for specific instructions depending on the nature of the poison.

5. Handling Fractures Incorrectly

Attempting to realign a fractured limb can cause further damage. It is best to immobilise the area with a splint or padding and avoid moving the person unless absolutely necessary.

6. Use of Tourniquets

Tourniquets are often misunderstood and misused. They should only be applied when there is severe bleeding that cannot be controlled by direct pressure. Improper use can lead to tissue damage or loss of a limb.

7. Relying on Coughing During a Heart Attack

There is a myth that coughing vigorously can stop a heart attack. This is not only untrue but can be dangerous. If you suspect a heart attack, the best action is to call emergency services immediately and chew an aspirin, if not allergic.

8. Ignoring Mild Symptoms

Ignoring symptoms such as mild allergic reactions or slight chest discomfort can lead to more severe health issues. It is always better to err on the side of caution and seek professional advice early.

By the end of this guide, you should have a better understanding of how to avoid common first aid mistakes. Remember, knowledge is key in effectively managing emergencies. Share this post to spread awareness and potentially save lives.

For those interested in gaining comprehensive first aid skills, consider enrolling in one of the nationally accredited courses offered by First Aid Pro (RTO: 40407).

Watch the video on 8 Dangerous First Aid Myths by First Aid Pro in Morphett Vale: CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE

Start your journey toward becoming a certified first aider today and ensure you’re prepared to handle any situation that may arise.

First Aid Pro https://www.firstaidpro.com.au/ Phone: (08) 7120 2570. Provides quality First Aid Courses in Morphett Vale SA



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