Skip The 30-Day Fitness Challenge

More harm than good with no long term solution

Patrick Duane
The Gist


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

The concept of realizing all your fitness dreams in 30 days will sound appealing to many. What does that breakdown look like? Well, something like this, within that time frame, you go hard with your workouts, eat right most of the time, and cut out alcohol.

Once the 30 days are up, it’s a wrap, nothing more to see here. You’ve achieved what you set out to do, time to put away the dumbbells. The body maintains itself, right? You can live your normal life again, workout occasionally, reintroduce back the processed foods and alcohol.

While that dream was pleasant, it’s time to wake up to reality. The 30-day challenge can only be described as the starting point to a better version of you, not the solution. I’m not a fan of the model, there are definitely better approaches you need to take. Among other things, the structure isn’t conducive to sustainable results. It makes it too easy to slip back into your old habits. Any results you see will quickly evaporate when there is no follow up.

Buyer Beware!

To this point, there is no long term solution with this blueprint. Your mindset needs to dial into the fact that your fitness journey is a continuous process. Anyone who is serious about fitness, needs to be…



Patrick Duane
The Gist

I’m a fusion of finance and fitness. Background in financial services, certified PT, blogger, world traveler. 5x Top Writer ✍️