Top 20 Cheat Meal Strategies — Decrease the Damage of Cheat Meals

Igor Klibanov
The Gist
Published in
5 min readJul 6, 2020


Do you have a real problem with cheat meals? You have a cheat meal (either planned or unplanned), you eat it with a combination of pleasure and guilt, and then either kick your entire diet to the curb, thinking “I blew this meal, I may as well just blow the rest of the week/month/year, and get back on track later.” Or, after the cheat meal, you practice ridiculous restriction, like the can of tuna and apple-a-day diet that Christian Bale used to lose a ridiculous amount of weight for the Machinist, so that he could look unhealthy.



Igor Klibanov
The Gist

Igor Klibanov is the author 7 books on exercise and nutrition, including 2 bestsellers. Read more of his articles at