Energy Drinks — Are They Safe?

They Can Cause Serious Health Problems

Isabel Young
3 min readNov 30, 2021


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Some Dangers of Energy Drinks:

Energy drinks are becoming more and more popular in the marketplace.

They are advertised as a quick fix to help you power through your day.

But, these beverages can cause health problems, side effects, and may lead to addiction.

Some of the health risks that energy drinks may cause include heart disease, liver damage, gastrointestinal diseases, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and even death when consumed in large quantities.

Some side effects that come along with energy drinks are nausea due to caffeine consumption or headache due to glutamate consumption found in many energy drinks.

The problem with these side effects is that they may not be apparent when the person consumes an energy drink so it is easy for them to keep consuming them without realizing there is an underlying problem causing it.

Don’t Let an Energy Drink Ruin Your Day!

Here’s What You Need to Know About What’s in Them.

Energy drinks were created to give people a boost of energy. This is because they contain caffeine and sugar which can increase alertness and stamina. However, with the rise in popularity, many people are starting to question the safety of these drinks.

There are Many Health Risks Associated with Energy Drinks — such as:

High blood pressure

Cardiovascular problems

Diabetes and obesity

Heart attack and stroke

Feelings of anxiety or depression

Is Drinking an Energy Drink Good for You?

Energy drinks have been in the market for a long time now, and it is hard to imagine modern society without them.

Many people may think that these drinks are bad because they contain a lot of sugar and caffeine. But there’s more to it than just sugar and caffeine.

When consumed responsibly, energy drinks can actually provide you with some benefits that may come in handy.

If you do consume any type of energy drink, always check out the ingredients. Too much caffeine, sugar and artificial ingredients or chemicals can be detrimental to your health.

What Are the Effects Upon Drinking Too Many Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks are non-alcoholic beverages that claim to provide a boost of energy to the drinker.

They typically contain caffeine,

sugar, and other ingredients.

Too much caffeine can affect your sleep and it can cause a short-term increase in blood pressure.

Energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular with young adults because of the caffeine content.

It is easy to consume too many energy drinks if you do not pay attention to how many ounces of drink you have consumed.

Final thoughts:

What Healthy Options Can You Take Instead of Energy Drinks?

We all want to know how you can have enough energy to stay alert without the negative side-effects. These drinks can be consumed either hot or cold.

Alternative Options — To Help You:

  1. Green Tea —It contains caffeine, which boosts your energy. Green tea includes antioxidants and minerals that are good for your health.
  2. Yerba Mate — It contains caffeine, but it also has antioxidants, minerals, and other beneficial substances. It is an excellent choice for a healthy energy boost.
  3. Ginger Root Tea — It has many health benefits and will help maintain your energy.
  4. Coffee — It is very common for people to have coffee in the morning, and possibly again during the day.
  5. Matcha Tea — It can have a positive impact on energy levels. It is a powerful form of green tea with many health benefits. It is grown and prepared differently from green tea.



Isabel Young

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.