Start Drinking Hot Bone Broth — Now!

The Health Benefits of Bone Broth

Isabel Young
4 min readNov 17, 2021


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Bone Broth Is The New Superfood:

Bone broth is a great way to heal your gut,

make your skin glow, detoxify your body

and strengthen your immune system.

The type of broth you decide to drink can affect how it

benefits you. For example, chicken broth has collagen

which helps build healthy skin and reduces wrinkles.

When cooking the bones for bone broth,

try to cook them for at least 24 hours so

the nutrients seep into the liquid better.

Benefits of Drinking Bone Broth Everyday:

Bone broth is a rich and nutrient-rich food that is popular for good

reason. Bone broth recipes can be made from various types of bones.

The best type of bones for making bone broth are

those that have a good ratio of marrow and cartilage.

Bone marrow has essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and

phosphorus, silicon and potassium, which are essential for healthy

bones and teeth.

Bone Broth contains many minerals

that are beneficial to your health.

Bone Broth is also very good for gut health, immune system function, and improved sleep quality.

It is also rich in amino acids such as glycine, proline and glutamine that help with muscle recovery.

Bone broth contains natural collagen and glucosamine, which help heal joint injuries and improve joint function.

What You Can Add To Your Bone Broth:

Many ingredients can make your bone broth very tasty.

Adding vegetables, herbs, or spices to your broth enhances the flavor.

The best part about making a bone broth, is you can add whatever ingredients you have at home.

You don’t need all these ingredients, you can pick and choose your favorites.

It is better not add cabbage type vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower or kale as they can be too strong and make your broth bitter.

  • Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric
  • Onions, Leeks, Celery, Carrots
  • Parsley, Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Rosemary
  • Italian seasoning, Nutritional Yeast
  • Vinegar (apple cider vinegar is my favorite) Adding a small amount of vinegar helps extract minerals out of the cooked bones. This will make your broth more nutritious.

Adding Nutritional Yeast To Your Bone Broth:

Nutritional Yeast is an excellent source of folic acid. This essential vitamin lowers levels of homocysteine in the blood which helps to prevent strokes and heart attacks. Nutritional Yeast also contains essential amino acids that are not found in other foods.

Nutritional yeast is a byproduct of the production of beer and wine. It is a healthy, vegan substitute for cheese. Nutritional yeast contains B-complex vitamins, calcium, chromium, selenium, and zinc.

Adding Nutritional Yeast to your bone broth will increase its benefits.

Bone Broth Preparation in 15 Minutes or Less

The preparation of a bone broth is the perfect way to use any leftover bones from your dinner. Bone broth can be prepared at home using chicken bones (or other animal bones) and it has many benefits over store-bought chicken or vegetable broth.

Once the ingredients are prepared, they need to cook slowly. One of the best methods I found is to use a slow cooker or crock pot.

This will slowly blend the ingredients and spices together.

The result is a hearty soup loaded with minerals that tastes better than store-bought bone broths.

Final Thoughts: Have You Tried Bone Broth Yet?

Bone broth is a healthy drink that provides nutrition and good for your gut health. This dish is rich in minerals, vitamins, and marrow — making it an excellent food for those who need extra healing or want to fight off illness without resorting to medications.

Bone broth recipes are easy to make. You just need time to simmer the ingredients for 8–24 hours to extract all the nutrients from the bones before you drink it or use it in another recipe.

Why don’t you try a hot cup of bone broth with some nutritional yeast? It’s a great immune booster, loaded with vitamins and minerals.



Isabel Young

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.