Why Do They Call it Pseudo-Science When the Science Exists?

Thea Williams
6 min readNov 17, 2022
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Science changes, no doubt, and it is our job to revisit the science. Medical research conducted in the past can be a crucial springboard for future cures.

Science is good, if it is funded by the right people. Cures are even better- for those who are sick.

Today, we hear the word “pseudo-science” meaning it is FAKE- there is no scientifically proven evidence that the conclusion is accurate.

But what if there really was science backed evidence, that people didn’t know existed?

Are Cures Possible?

The answer is yes, otherwise the human species probably wouldn’t make it past the age of 1 week.

We are inundated with viruses, bacteria and toxins 24/7. Thankfully, we are built to endure it. We are curing/healing ourselves everyday, by breathing, eating right, sleeping, moving.

However, there are times we need a little help from our friends. whether it”s mom’s chicken soup, or Dr. Brown’s prescription for an antibiotic.

But what about CBD oil, Chinese herbs, Homeopathy? Can these assist the body in its natural ability to heal?

Millions will claim yes, while others call it pseudo-science.

Who are They?

Who are “they” that love to throw the term pseudo-science around?

Well, I don’t want to get into the names, but generally speaking, it is those who control the information- the media moguls and tech companies that allow uneducated people to fact-check what people can and cannot share.

Even doctors and scientists get booted off platforms. Imagine, after decades of hard work, your website gets hacked, and your career is threatened?

This isn’t hearsay, as I know many personally who have paid the consequences of speaking up.

It’s Marketing Baby!

When you are in a business, you don’ t want potential customers to look at other options. The car salesman doesn’t want you to see the fuel efficient Kia, modestly priced, when he can sell you a brand new Ford Explorer.

The ones that call it pseudo-science are the ones who prefer you look at the little fishy instead of the lion dancing on the coffee table.

They don’t want you to look at the science.

The Science Exist!

All you gotta do is get your head out of the fish tank.

Reputable Resources

The general public is often too busy to research, so they trust the information that is provided by what we assume are reputable sources.

But isn’t the NIH (National Institute of Health) a reputable source? It is the primary federal agency for conducting medical research.

Now, thanks to the internet, the extremely valuable information is now available for YOU! However, people don’t spend their free time scrolling the thousands of pages of science. Instead, they scroll endless pages of Instagram.

It is designed that way! Keeping you distracted, keeps you uniformed.

Non fiction and documentaries are great resources for learning. So delete your Tik Tok account, and let’s start!

I chose a few articles from the NIH for you to glance over. Get a feel for the site and its format. If you don’t like my suggestions, there are thousands of others to choose from. But start getting informed about the science. It is not pseudo!

Herbal plants and plant preparations as a remedial approach for viral diseases

Herbal extracts as antiviral agents

Don’t ask me why these titles aren’t Capitalized. I simply copied and pasted them, so no funny business coming from me.

If you are a firm believer in western medicine. You might like this one. It summarizes the benefits of combining herbs and medications for that illness, that’s been on everyone’s mind for 3 years.

Herbal Medicine for the Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

When information like this is well documented and well known, why aren’t we being told about it?

Why is it called pseudo-science?

The answer to these question lies in another question.

Who loses if we know this information?

Censorship and Medical Freedom

Yeah, yeah, I know it’s all been called conspiracies to think we are not being told the truth.

But evidence shows that solutions are not freely given to us. You have to dig, and these days you have to dig even deeper because of censorship.

Fortunately, after my son became extremely ill 20 years ago, finding crucial information to assist in his healing was easier to find, but I still had to look. I was lucky to meet some phenomenal doctors and practitioners. I was lucky to be able to travel and hear many of them speak.

I stayed up until the wee hours researching, and I did it for YEARS!

Today, so many people have compacted their research into books and documentaries.But again, you have to know where to find them, and you have to know who to trust.

I won’t lie, there are snake oil salesmen out there. Unfortunately, they give good people a bad name. And we know during the pandemic, a lot of those people were publicly mocked and shamed.

“They” tried to convince us that people like Dr. McCullough were nuts!

So what should you do?

Do what I did. Start looking, reading, and then decide for yourself.

No one knows you and your body better than you. A 15-minute consultation with a doc isn’t going to get you all the answers you need. It might, however, gets you endless appointments with specialists.

If you choose that route, that’s fine.

I believe in health freedom, meaning you decide what is best for you. Even if you receive advice from a professional, it is still up to you to decide if you want to move forward with his/her suggestions. People do and can refuse to take a pill or undergo surgery.

YOU still get to make the final decision.

Many others are choosing alternative methods, and they need to have their choices protected, as well.

Where should you start?

Get this e-book, which one of my friends is offering for free.

Primed and Ready:Drug-Free Ways to Boost Your Immune System and Beat Viruses, Naturally and Effectively

I think the title pretty much sums it up!

Read it and YOU decide if it feels right for you. How cool is that? — YOU get to decide.

If you are currently working with a physician, it is wise to discuss your plans with them, especially if you are on medication, as some herbs can interfere with their efficacy.

If you feel very strongly about using an herb, and believe you may get some resistance, print out some of the SCIENCE you discovered, Don’t go without well-documented and researched evidence.

Let ’em know it’s not pseudo-science.

But Wait There’s More- a Free Set of Knives!- Just Kidding but there is this…

When you sign up for the free e-book, you will get access to Relaunch of Brave; Living Courageously and Healing Miraculously.,

I am going to tell you that some of the practitioners and researchers presented in the documentary are people I know from decades ago. They are our true warriors and are putting their careers on the line to share their info with you.

And one last thing. Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you should do with your body- not me, not anyone.

I got answers that healed my son because I did the homework and followed my God given intuition. That is when doors opened, and the healing began.

Thea- lover of all things magical!

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PS, the ebook is part of an affiliate program, but you don’t have to buy a thing. The book is FREE.



Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.