Rise for Our Right: Universal Health Coverage Day 2017

UHC Coalition
Health For All
Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2017

Universal health coverage is a political goal rooted in the human right to health. We have a long way to go until everyone — no matter who they are, where they live, or how much money they have — can get the quality health care they need and deserve.

This Universal Health Coverage Day, join the growing people’s movement demanding courageous political action in every country.

On 12 December — five years after the United Nations unanimously endorsed universal health coverage — let’s rise for our right to health and a more prosperous future for all.

Learn how to join this global day of #HealthForAll action here: uhcday.org



UHC Coalition
Health For All

1000+ organizations in 121 countries advocating for strong, equitable health systems that leave no one behind. → HealthForAll.org