Get Off Your Ass

and live longer

Health Habits
Health Habits


Get Off Your Ass

Every year, billions of dollars are spent by people trying to get healthier, leaner, fitter, prettier and younger looking.

In return for those billions of dollars, companies make big promises based on big theories, big technology and more often than not…..big bullshit.

Maybe….instead of buying into those big promises, we should…

  1. Recognize bullshit as being bullshit
  2. Apply a little common sense
  3. Pay attention to the following research

Common Sense Science

A new study , involving 93,000 American women “found those with the highest amounts of sedentary time — defined as sitting and resting, excluding sleeping — died earlier than their most active peers.”

This association between sitting on your ass & dying before your time proved true even when the researchers controlled for…

  • physical mobility and function,
  • chronic disease status,
  • demographic factors
  • and overall fitness

This means that even if you exercise, sitting on your butt IS going to kill you.

More study details…

Comparing the non-sitters (four hours or less of inactivity) to the heavy-sitters (11 hours + of inactivity), the researchers found:

  • A 12% elevation in all-cause premature mortality
  • A 13% elevation in death by cardiovascular disease
  • A 27% elevation in death by coronary heart disease
  • A 21% elevation in death by cancer

“The assumption has been that if you’re fit and physically active, that will protect you, even if you spend a huge amount of time sitting each day.

In fact, in doing so you are far less protected from negative health effects of being sedentary than you realize.

In general, a use it or lose it philosophy applies. We have a lot of modern conveniences and technologies that, while making us more efficient, also lead to decreased activity and diminished ability to do things. Women (and men) need to find ways to remain active.”

Sounds like common sense to me.



Health Habits
Health Habits

Personal Trainer, Blogger and generally obsessed with fat loss and fitness