Important Lessons From Cancer Survivors Amid Coronavirus

Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious
3 min readJun 16, 2021


Coronavirus and Cancer (Image Source: Central Montana Medical Center)

The covid-19 pandemic has hit millions of people worldwide. Many of them have entirely recovered, and many have lost their lives to this pandemic. However, people with existing chronic medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, etc., are at a higher risk of getting infected than others.

Cancer patients generally have a weak or impaired immune system, and hence do not have enough capacity to fight back diseases as a normal person. Many cancer patients might have gone through various medical treatments, like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc., that may end up suppressing their immune systems.

Therefore, such cancer patients, active in treatment, are at a greater risk of getting infected by covid-19. Max Healthcare is a very well-known and popular hospital for cancer treatment in India.

Covid-19 and Coronavirus
20% rise in cancer deaths expected in England due to Covid-19 emergency (Source: statista)

It is the first hospital in North India to adopt an advanced Da Vinci XI Robotic system for treating complex cancers, like heart tumours, cancer of the cervix, prostate, colon, etc. A team of experienced surgical, radiation and medical oncologists, pathology, and other staff members at Max Hospital provides the best-in-class cancer treatment in India.

You may also like: Questions to Ask a Doctor about Your Cancer Treatment

Lessons From Cancer Survivors Amid Coronavirus

1. Cary Roy

Cary Roy, a 59-year-old cancer survivor who also suffered from oil spills and hurricanes, stated that denial is not a strategy for coronavirus.

She said that she is worried about the increasing number of people who are neglecting the coronavirus. Further, she said that people have to be aware of the ongoing situation, and they should stay at home and concentrate more on their health.

2. Kristin Kleinhofer

Kristin Kleinhofer, a 45-year-old cancer patient, is an advocate from California. She was diagnosed with leukaemia and has undergone many treatments, like chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, and a Fred Hutch Immunotherapy.

Do Also Read: Lung Cancer Treatment: What Are The Best Options To Treat Lung Cancer?

She said that people today are extremely worried due to the current situation, not going outdoors and staying at home for more than a month. She further noted that cancer patients do it for many months and years and advised people to stay positive, focused, and informed.

3. Cathay Leman

A 59-year-old breast cancer survivor, a nutrition therapist, and a dietician, Cathy Leman, advised people to focus on things they can do in this dreadful situation and not on what they can’t. Further, she told them to concentrate on food, exercise, and sleep and control negative thoughts.

Also Read: How can a Caregiver Protect a Cancer Patient from Covid-19

4. Renee Kaiman

Renee Kaiman from Toronto, Canada, is a 38-year-old metastatic breast cancer patient. She said that it is easy to get isolated and stay lonely. Furthermore, she advised people to reach out to people via phone calls or video calls and do things that keep their moods up.

Also Read: Covid-19: What Cancer Patients Need to Know?

5. Dennis Keim

Dennis Keim is a 66-year-old breast cancer patient from Lincoln, Nebraska. He said that he was enjoying the mandated lonely time at home in learning a new instrument. He further said that he had ordered a ukulele to play the late 1980s-era tune.


With a positive attitude and high spirit, all the above cancer survivors have shared their valuable views that everyone should remember amidst this covid-19 pandemic. However, for cancer treatment in India, you can visit Max Healthcare Hospital, New Delhi.



Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious

I am Vanshika from Delhi and I have been a freelance writer for 1 years now. I quit my boring job to follow my dreams of becoming a writer. #followtosupport