Knee Replacement Surgery: What You Should Know & What You Should Expect?

Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


Things to know about knee replacement surgery

When knee cartilage gets damaged from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or injury-related arthritis, the knee becomes stiff and causes pain during movement. This can be corrected by replacing the knee with an artificial joint for alignment, reduce stiffness and ease.

Knee replacement surgery is recommended when other treatments like physiotherapy, pain killers, or steroids have failed. The procedure usually takes one to two hours during which the surgeon removes damaged cartilage and bone from the knee and fixes metal implants to the ends of the thigh and calf bones. A plastic spacer goes between the metal pieces and helps the new joint move smoothly.

Types of knee replacement surgeries

Partial knee replacement surgery

Partial knee replacement
Partial knee replacement ( Image Source: MedlinePlus )

Partial knee replacement surgery is advised when arthritic damage is limited to one compartment of the knee, or if there is cartilage damage with minimal knee alignment problems.

Total knee replacement surgery

Total knee replacement surgery is recommended if severe stiffness or pain limits everyday activities of the patient or knee pain interferes with sleep. During the procedure, damaged parts of the knee are removed and replaced with prostheses. The knee is then repositioned through proper alignment, which restores a near-normal range of motion. Total knee replacement is done after all other treatment options are ruled out.

Knee replacement revision surgery

Knee Replacement Revision Recovery
( Image Source: Nakul Karkare MD )

Knee replacement revision is the replacement of prosthetic implants in a person who previously had a total knee replacement. In this type of surgery, a new prosthesis is put in place after removing the original prosthesis.

Over time the original components from a total or partial knee replacement surgery tend to break down due to normal wear and tear resulting in new pain in the joint. Knee replacement revision surgery replaces some or all of the original components with new ones.

What to expect from different knee replacement surgeries

The recovery time in case of partial knee replacement is shorter due to the smaller incision. Most patients are discharged from the hospital the same day and begin to perform a range of motion activities with the help of the replaced joint.

After total knee replacement, patients are discharged after 24 to 48 hours pending medical clearance. They have to undergo physical therapy sessions at the earliest to ensure a speedy recovery. The pain usually reduces significantly after six weeks, and most patients can resume normal activities within three to six months with a new fully functional knee.

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Once the patient undergoes knee replacement revision surgery, he may be discharged after three to five days of the procedure and then continue recovering at home or a rehabilitation facility. Most patients can walk without an assistive device within a month after surgery and can expect to resume normal activities after six weeks.

If you are looking for knee replacement in Delhi, an online search will give you the desired results and you can choose a hospital of your choice for this medical procedure.



Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious

I am Vanshika from Delhi and I have been a freelance writer for 1 years now. I quit my boring job to follow my dreams of becoming a writer. #followtosupport