Tips for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious
3 min readJun 23, 2021


Getting Alzheimer’s disease is a nightmare for anyone. No one would like to forget their loved ones. No one would want to forget places they have visited over their lifetime. Not able to cherish the memories one has created over their entire life can be disturbing.

It is the most common form of Dementia. It mainly strikes you at a growing age. There are more than 4 million cases of Alzheimer’s disease in India alone. This post will discuss how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease at an early level. Also, what does Neuro hospital in India do to treat it?

People with age above 65 years are more likely to have Alzheimer’s disease. Statistics say that the number of cases in senior citizens across India in 2050 can be about 4.6 million.

How does one get Alzheimer’s disease?

There can be many reasons one suffer from Alzheimer’s like:

● Ageing

● Family history

● Depression

● Lifestyle change

Memory loss alone is not the factor to decide if one is suffering from Alzheimer’s. But if you are facing the issues below, you might need to consult a doctor soon. These issues can be:

● Inability to think

● Problems in decision making

● Loss of ability to focus

● Difficulty in speaking

● Emotional problems

● Visual Problems

● Decrease in ability to reason

There is no specific reason for the occurrence of disease. It is what puzzles the doctors the most. It is also one of the main reasons that research is still ongoing to find its permanent cure.

But there are some steps you can take to prevent the disease at an early stage in life. It may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease as you grow old.

How to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

There is no specific reason explored on why it occurs and how to cure it. But, some precautions can keep you at a reduced risk of suffering from Alzheimer.

These are:

1. Regular Exercise: This will keep the circulation of blood in your body and brain going. Blood flow in your brain will help it stay alert and active. Exercising for 30 Minutes Daily can help. To begin with, you can go for walks or activities like Swimming.

2. Healthy Diet: Nothing can substitute a nutritious diet. It plays a role in a healthy mind and a healthy body. Also, avoid eating sugar and control your Diabetes level. Avoid gaining weight. It can be helpful too.

3. Socialize: Do not isolate yourself as you grow old. Talking to people can help. Isolation may lead to depression at an old age which can increase the chances of getting the disease.

4. Prevent Falling: While doing any chores, take extra care. Falling can have a severe impact on the brain cells and can aggravate the chances of Alzheimer.

Also Read: Ways To Restructure Your Nervous System

Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

No permanent treatment is available to cure the problem.

But, medicines like cholinesterase inhibitors are treating moderate to a mild level of disease.

Every neuro hospital in India is using psychological treatments to help the person with Alzheimer’s.

Psychological treatments like cognitive stimulation therapy are proving to help make memory better.

If you feel symptoms that resemble the disease, contact the doctor as soon as possible. Early treatment can delay the disease and control it at the beginning stage.



Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious

I am Vanshika from Delhi and I have been a freelance writer for 1 years now. I quit my boring job to follow my dreams of becoming a writer. #followtosupport