Ways to delay visiting the orthopedic hospital for joint surgery

Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious
3 min readMay 12, 2021


Patients with joint pains often want to rush into joint surgery and orthopedic hospitals in India see a huge rush for such patients every year. Seeking joint operation in the early stages is not a healthy trend and can be delayed to avoid unnecessary overcrowding of hospitals especially in the times of Covid pandemic. Every joint replacement surgical procedure carries the risk of complications and if the procedure is done at the age of fifty instead of seventy, chances are the patient will need a second procedure with a higher risk.

Listed below are some tips to extend the life of natural joints and delay visiting the orthopedic hospital for joint surgery:

Shed those extra kilos and keep your weight in check

Losing extra pounds is the best way to keep your joints healthy as you exert lesser pressure on them every day. Every extra pound puts about three pounds of additional pressure on your knees and multiplies the pressure on your hips by six. Arthritis patients can cut their knee pain by fifty percent if they lose fifteen pounds. For patients who require joint surgery, losing weight before the procedure can reduce the risk of complications from surgery. People with tender joints should stick to an exercise regime that includes walking, swimming, or cycling a stationary bike as these are gentle to joints.

Maintain the right posture to exert lesser pressure on your joints

In your daily routine and activities, maintain good posture to avoid more stress to the damaged joints. Stand upright and avoid slouching to protect your neck, hips, and knee joints. Be cautious in lifting weights and use proper techniques while carrying anything heavy. If any such activity puts strain on your joints, stop doing it right away.

Get relief for joint inflammation and pain by taking prescription drugs

Avoid rushing into joint surgeries to treat sore joints and instead consult your doctor who can prescribe pain relievers that are non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory. These drugs can cause side effects such as stomach upset, bleeding, and kidney and liver damage. Take these drugs for a short period to relieve the discomfort as they can cause side effects such as stomach upset, kidney, or liver damage.

Following orthopedic conditions may not require immediate joint surgery and patients may benefit from early medication:


Painful joints caused by osteoarthritis can usually be treated with painkillers, exercises, and physiotherapy. Early orthopedic care can significantly reduce difficulty in walking, standing, or climbing stairs.

Spine problems

Most spine problems due to wear and tear can be treated with painkillers, exercises, and physiotherapy. While waiting for spinal surgery, follow your exercise regime at home, take adequate rest, avoid strenuous activities like bending or lifting, and take non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory pain relievers or muscle relaxants.

Ankle sprains

Ankle sprains are relatively common and often do not require urgent medical attention. They can usually be treated with adequate rest, compression, and elevation techniques.

If you are searching for ortho hospital in Delhi, visit the Max Hospital website for a list of Max Super Specialty Hospitals in Delhi NCR offering orthopedic treatments to patients from all walks of life.



Vanshika Sharma
Health is Precious

I am Vanshika from Delhi and I have been a freelance writer for 1 years now. I quit my boring job to follow my dreams of becoming a writer. #followtosupport