Aloe Vera Cleanse 5 Things You Need to Know

Aloe Vera juice contains sheets of pasta, which is rich in natural nutrients and fiber. 

manu nagar
Health Lovers
3 min readMar 8, 2014


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Often referred preparations Aloe Vera as “ Cactus “ . Scientific evidence for the effectiveness of cosmetics and therapeutic of aloe vera is limited and when present is often contradictory. Despite this , and cosmetic industries and alternative medicine to make claims regarding the soothing , moisturizing, and the properties of aloe vera in the market that have been announced , mainly for skin diseases such as cold sores and burns and freezing regularly healing. The aloe vera gel is used commercially as an ingredient in yogurt and drinks and some sweets , although certain doses , the toxic properties can be dangerous if ingested or applied topically . And the same applies to aloe latex , which is taken by mouth for the treatment of diseases ranging from glaucoma to multiple sclerosis even require FDA manufacturer to stop using it. Other uses for extracts of aloe vera include the dilution of semen for artificial insemination of sheep , portfolio of fresh food , or water conservation in small farms . Has also been suggested that biofuels could be obtained from the seeds of aloe vera . The cactus is also used as food , maybe it ‘s gelling properties .

Traditional Medicine

Records show the first of the aloe vera in the use of Ebers Papyrus from 16th century BC , in both Dioscorides ‘ De Materia Medica and Natural History of Pliny the Elder writing in the century CE the middle of the first side-by- side with the Constitution Juliana produces Anicia in 512 AD , and is used to widely used in traditional herbal medicine species in many countries . Aloe Vera , called kathalai in Ayurvedic medicine , and is used as a treatment for multiple uses skin . This may be due in part to the presence of saponin , a chemical compound that acts as an antimicrobial agent .

Dietary Supplements

Was aloetin , a compound found in secretions of certain types of cactus , and a common ingredient in over and — Fighting (OTC) laxative products in the United States until 2002, when it prevented Food and Drug Administration for manufacturing companies that did not provide the necessary safety data . Aloe Vera has the potential toxicity , with some of the side at the dose when ingested or applied topically effects . Although the toxicity may be less when aloetin removed by treatment , aloe vera contains aloin in excess amounts can occur side effects. A two-year study by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the consumption of oral nondecolorized whole leaf extract of aloe vera evidence of carcinogenic activity in mice and found a male and female . NTP says there is a need for more information to determine the potential risks to humans.

Is marketed aloe vera juice to support digestive health , but there is not any scientific evidence or regulatory approval to support this claim . Extracts and the amounts used for these purposes are usually talking about the toxicities associated with dose .


Aloe vera is used in facial tissue that is promoted as a moisturizer and / or anti- irritant to reduce anger in the nose . Cosmetic companies add sap or other usually derived from aloe vera to products such as makeup , tissues , moisturizers , soaps , sunscreens , incense and shaving cream , and shampoo. Review of the academic literature suggests that the inclusion in many hygiene products is given for “ moisturizing emollient effect . “

